15+ Brides Who Replaced Ordinary Wedding Dresses With Lovely, Extraordinary Ones

Girls stuff
3 years ago

Women want to be the most beautiful on their wedding day, and the dress they wear should be unique and memorable. But it’s not so easy to find a wedding dress that will become “the one.” That’s why some brides go for decisive steps, like attaching colorful lights to the dress or choosing colors that only 1 out of 100 brides would dare to wear.

At Bright Side, we admire women who are ready to experiment, especially on such an important day as their wedding. In the bonus section, you’ll see that a wedding dress can be made out of almost anything.

“My mother-in-law made me this vintage-inspired wedding dress. We were married at a steel mill where both of our grandfathers worked as teenagers.”

“My parents on their wedding day, 1988”

“I can’t wait to share this tailor-made magical dress in the unicorn style.”

“I was a little nervous about wearing wings for pictures, but I’m so glad I did. I feel like a fairy bride. Plus, my husband is so adorable.”

“I made my own wedding dress. I don’t think I could have gotten a dress like this commercially.”

“No joke, it’s the best wedding dress I’ve ever seen.” © suzybhomemakr / Reddit

“My black wedding dress came in!”

“I finally got the pictures back from my wedding a few months ago and just wanted to share my non-traditional wedding dress.”

“I wore a non-traditional dress for our tiny wedding and I’m so happy with how it turned out!”

“I spent almost a year looking for a dress, trying to convince myself that I would be happy in a white one. I’m so glad I gave up that search and went with red.”

“My wedding dress! A little unconventional but I’m in love. I can’t wait to get married and style this.”

“In the store, they had tons of wedding dresses in white and creme but I gravitated toward more colorful options! I love it because I can wear this for many years and switch up the look of it easily as well!”

“I saw this dress in an ad and haven’t been able to shake it from my mind since. I ordered it when it went on sale and burst into tears when I put it on. It’s not traditional, but it’s the only one for me.”

“It was an outdoor fall wedding and having vibrant colors was important to me.”

“It worked! My dress lit up at the moment of the first kiss!”

“I had my Renaissance wedding.”

“I said ’yes’ a few weeks ago! I’m in love with my dress and veil.”

“I’m married already but I need a veil like this in my life.” © VioletFoxx / Reddit

Bonus: “I made a wedding dress out of Taco Bell wrappers.”

Do you like to change the look of your clothes? Share your ideas in the comments below.

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Please note: This article was updated in April 2022 to correct source material and factual inaccuracies.
Preview photo credit Mr0inks / Reddit


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