15+ Celebrities Who Look Dazzling on Red Carpets but Blend in With the Crowd in Everyday Life

2 years ago

Being a world-famous celebrity must be really tiresome at times, especially when it comes to being recognized wherever you go. Luckily, some of our favorite celebrities know how to look just like anyone of us in their everyday life. They put on ripped jeans, plain T-shirts, leggings, sneakers, and knitted hats, and make it nearly impossible for us to get a glimpse of a glamorous star or a fashion icon behind this perfect “camouflage.”

We at Bright Side found 16 celebrities we would hardly recognize if we met them on the street, as they’ve truly mastered the art of blending in with the crowd.


Timothée Chalamet

Angelina Jolie

Brad Pitt

Robert Pattinson

Matthew McConaughey

Jennifer Lawrence

Margot Robbie

Anya Taylor-Joy

Tom Holland

Reese Witherspoon

Katy Perry

Vanessa Hudgens

Keanu Reeves

Gigi Hadid

Kristen Stewart

Whose everyday style surprised you the most and why? What are your favorite clothing items that you wear every day?


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