15 Foods That Take Care of Your Heart and Decrease the Risk of Heart Attacks

year ago

Our heart is one of the most important organs, but, surprisingly, we take care of it the least, loading it every day with stress and unhealthy diets. And that’s too bad because fatty food increases cholesterol levels, which leads to vascular plaques that prevent the heart from working correctly.

Bright Side brings you 15 products that will clean your blood vessels, improve your overall well-being, and decrease the risk of heart attacks in the future. As a bonus, we added a recipe for a special drink for healthy blood vessels.

Bonus: A special drink for healthy blood vessels


  • Ginger juice — 250 ml
  • Garlic puree — 250 ml
  • Lemon juice — 250 ml
  • Apple cider vinegar — 250 ml
  • Honey — 5 tbsp

Mix all the ingredients except for the honey, and cook on medium heat for 30 minutes. Stir continuously. Take it off the heat, and cool it completely. Add honey, mix, and pour the mixture into a clean bottle. You can store this drink in the fridge for 1 to 2 months.

Take 1 tbsp of this drink every morning on an empty stomach.

Health benefits

Garlic and honey reduce blood pressure and level of cholesterols; ginger prevents heart diseases; lemon regulates heartbeats; apple cider vinegar removes toxins from the body.

Based on materials from curapelanatureza, health


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