15+ Pics That Prove, Once Again, How Pure a Pet’s Love Is

3 years ago

No matter how cheeky our pets can get sometimes, they can be joy-filled, fluffy creatures that strive to show us how loyal they can be. However, there are times when they need us to keep them secure and warm, even if that means having their paws held or getting countless head pats.

At Bright Side, we decided to show you the unconditional connection and tender moments humans and pets share that were posted online.

1. “My dad was worried my deafblind dog wouldn’t recognize him after a year, but I think she did.”

2. “My dog gets nervous unless you hold her hand.”

3. “We just left the shelter! We think he’s happy with us.”

4. “I’m pretty convinced that I have the world’s clingiest cat. This is when I told him he couldn’t sit on my lap while I was working.”

5. “Choosing to believe he loves me and isn’t rolling his eyes at his pic being taken...”

6. “He loves this for some odd reason.”

7. “My number one guy, Wolfie, loves to hug!”

8. “This little lady was going to be put down because of her rickets. Now she’s living her absolute best life.”

9. “This is a rescued dog now sleeping safely in the arms of his foster mama. Rescues are tough but these are the moments that remind me why we do it...”

10. “3 weeks with this guy — I think he likes me...”

11. “Vinny’s been home with us for about 3.5 weeks now, and I think it’s safe to say he feels fully comfortable with us.”

12. “My dog loves my parents.”

13. “My arm fell asleep because I didn’t want to disturb his dreams.”

14. “Had to talk him into getting her.”

15. “I was excited to celebrate our first Valentine’s Day as a married couple, then I realized my valentine was taken.”

16. “This gentleman really didn’t think a cat would like him and had never really liked a cat before.”

17. “When we met in the shelter she started whispering, ’You’re okay, we’ll take you home and keep you safe, we love you already.’”

Which image did you relate to the most? How do you show love to your pet? Will you share the most memorable moment you’ve had with your pet?

Preview photo credit ashketchum2095 / reddit


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