15 Pleasant Amazon Trifles to Take Care of Yourself

year ago

Taking care of yourself is a necessity, not a luxury. It contributes to increased life expectancy and improves the ability to cope with stress. Self-care allows you to be the best version of yourself.

In today’s Amazon compilation, we at Bright Side are looking for ways to do something nice for ourselves every day. After all, treating yourself well is what caring is. You matter!

1. This reusable silicone face ice pack tightens skin, reduces dark circles and puffiness, and helps you wake up.

2. A set of bath salts with herbs and essential oils will relieve tension and soften the skin.

3. Foot bath herbs for lymphatic drainage, fatigue, and swelling relief.

4. The beech wood massage scraper will help to relax the body at the right moment.

5. The natural resin self-massage scraper set is comfortable for any part of the body.

6. Peeling mask for feet will make your heels tender, like a baby’s

7. Dried rose petals for a bath, ice, or fragrant sachet to surround yourself with beauty and care.

8. Thick unrefined shea butter with beeswax for skin and hair care

9. Pure epsom lavender bath salt will relieve muscle pain and set you up for deep sleep.

10. A two-phase body oil mist for instant hydration and radiance pampers your senses.

11. A set of scented candles with lavender and chamomile to relieve anxiety and improve sleep.

12. A vanilla-scented candle with a wooden wick that will crackle soothingly like a small fireplace.

13. A happiness jar kit to create your own collection of positive affirmations and inspiration.

14. A cozy flannel blanket will envelop you in a real hygge atmosphere.

15. A mini fountain with 3 candles will create a soothing atmosphere.

What would you do right now if you were kinder to yourself?

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Preview photo credit Amazon, Amazon


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