15 Real-Life Stories That Prove Friendship Doesn't Always Last Forever
2 days ago
True friends support each other in difficult periods of life. But sometimes it happens that the person who we consider the closest to us suddenly trips us up or simply disappears at a difficult moment. The heroes of this article found themselves in a situation like this, when they saw their friends in a new light. And they didn't like it.
- A friend borrowed $500 from me. He promised to pay me back within 6 months, saying he’d pay $100 each month. Okay.
I received nothing in the first month or the second one. I reminded him. He told me how hard it was for him, but everything would be fine, there was still time, he would have time to pay it back. In the third and fourth month, I got nothing either. I decided to talk to him seriously.
And he was like, “You have your own place, and I rent, you need less money for housing. And you also have a husband — he supports you, and I have a wife — I can’t ask my wife for money! And in general, you are healthy, but my eyesight is bad, I need an operation.”
That is, a grown man was actually sitting and counting who needed my money more! No, he didn’t have a difficult financial situation. He made purchases that I couldn’t afford — I didn’t have enough money for them.
The friend naturally stopped being a friend because of lots of lies. It’s been 9 years, and he still can’t pay back $500. Such a shame. © Unknown author / Pikabu - We’ve been friends since college for 20 years. During this time, my best friend married twice. At my birthday party, she started hitting on my husband in front of her own husband, saying that all her life she was jealous of our family and dreamed of such a caring man.
At that moment, our 20-year-old friendship ended. She called, texted me, apologized. But I decided that this person will no longer be in my life. And I have no regrets! © Tatiana V / Dzen - I had a friend with whom we communicated for 2 years. She had to go out of town, and she asked me to look after her cat. It wasn’t very convenient for me because we live on different ends of town, but what can’t you do for a friend?
She gave me the keys to her flat and asked me to make myself at home there, but I came there only for a couple of hours every day to feed the cat and spend some time with it. Then I saw that my friend had a washing machine (I didn’t), and during the next video call I asked, “Can I bring my laundry here?” And she laughed and said, “Actually, I pay for water, so no!”
Needless to say, it’s unlikely I’ll ever help her with anything again. © Idk_whatelse123 / Reddit
- We have been friends for 16 years: we were in high school together, then in college, were maids of honor at each other’s weddings, then were each other’s shoulders to cry on during divorces, then supported each other during second marriages.
Our friendship was based on the fact that she was always first and best in everything, and I was second. She gets married, I get married. She gets divorced, I get divorced. She buys a car, I buy a car. I wasn’t chasing her, we were just going through life together, and I was always one step behind.
And then I decided to go against the beaten track and open a children’s center. It worked. I was flying with happiness! And my friend, who worked as an assistant director in a cool firm, suddenly pulled away from me. For the first time in my life, she started to raise her voice at me, started to “bite” me. It was very painful.
Some time later, I learned from friends that she was also opening a children’s center. I flew to her on wings of happiness and said, “I have a lot of things left — materials and many other things — I will tell you everything, I will give you everything. How happy I am for you!” The friend coldly thanked me and left the subject.
Only in the evening, it dawned on me that she had hidden from me the fact that she was opening her own center! Why? We are at different ends of the city, obviously not competitors, what is wrong? I asked her directly, and she said that it was better for us to stop communicating without sorting things out.
And that was the end of our friendship. Believe it or not, I had a nervous breakdown and ended up in hospital. It’s been 4 years, but I’m still heartbroken. © Lirala / Pikabu - I live alone, I’ve been sick for a week. My friends know about it, but none of them came to check on me. They are afraid to get infected — they, you see, have important periods in life, they can’t be sick now!
But if they need anything, I’m always there to help! I go to the shop and pharmacy, in the pouring rain, with a fever. It’s terrible. © Overheard / VK - In my childhood, there were no lunches at school, but there was a cafeteria where we could buy food. I was in third grade. My classmate stopped going to eat with us.
I asked her what was wrong. She said she didn’t have money. I persuaded her to come with me and bought her food with half of my lunch money.
The next day, I didn’t have to persuade her anymore. So, I fed her for a week. And then she bragged to me about her new earrings which she bought recently. It was a good vaccination shot from friendship then. © Olga Serebryakova
- I was buying a house. I entrusted my best friend to formalize the deal. When I received the papers, they charged me an extra $4,000. It left a bad aftertaste, and we stopped communicating.
18 years later, I found out from a mutual acquaintance that my friend and her husband admitted that they had taken a commission from me at that time. Even though I found the house myself! Even a mutual friend said that you don't do that to friends. © Irina Gabisonia - My friend married a rich sugar daddy (she is 33, he is 62). And that was it. From rags to riches - that's about her now.
She criticizes my clothes, like, it's unfashionable. "How long have you been wearing brands yourself, darling?" I ask her, and she says, "Don't be jealous." Holidaying at a country house is no longer for her, Christmas holidays take place only in the Alps. On her birthday parties, you can only wear something in accordance with a strict dress code.
So, I just told her to get lost! And I don't regret the lost friendship. I found out that other people she knew had turned their backs on her as well. Without this man, she is nothing. © Overheard / VK - New Year, 2016. Exactly at midnight, I call my best friend to shout congratulations to him through the fireworks (we jokingly competed who would to call faster every year). And he picked up the phone only the second time and sluggishly squeezed out, "Thank you."
When asked about the state of his health, he said that he was fine.
- And what is wrong then?
- Since the beginning of the year, I decided to remove all people who slow me down in life. And now you're ruining my plan.
Since then, he has been having one-sided conversations with me, telling me about the state of his affairs, sending me photos, and once every couple of months he writes to me, "Well, answer something! Let me know that I'm at least talking to a living person, that you're doing well. Why is it so difficult? Let's meet, I miss you!" © pomohvcem / Pikabu
- I have a friend and coworker whom I've now helped to get 2 really great jobs. The last one allows him to work from home and pays about $20,000 more than he was making at his old job (which I also helped him to get). You would think he would be happy and grateful.
However, he constantly finds little things about the job that he doesn't like and complains to me about them. He often implies that he'd rather be working elsewhere, making me almost feel guilty for helping him get the job. He's wearing me out. © rktscience1971 / Reddit - I had a friend in college. Clearly, times were hungry, money was tight. And then on my birthday, which I, of course, celebrated in my dorm room, this friend gives me a cute ceramic figurine of an elephant. It was cute, I really liked it, I really did!
And about a week later, that friend was going to another friend's birthday party - not a student, but a working lady. She asked me to go shopping with her and pick up a present for her friend. She bought a piece of jewelry - also great!
But I was killed by her comment in the end, "Don't take offense, but I always give this working friend expensive gifts, because she is worth it!" And then in my twenties I learnt one truth: you are valued exactly as much as the gifts you are given are worth! In 2003, my value turned out to be no more than $0.5. © Chamomile Apothecary / Dzen - When my "best" friend found out that I met my second husband, she started walking around like a fox making up reasons to meet with me and him. She tried to say nasty things about me to my future husband. He pretended that he didn't understand anything.
Then at the wedding, she was a maid of honor and did such wild things that words can't describe. I stopped communicating with her, and suddenly life became so easy! © Angelina Sataneeva / Dzen
- I am a chef. I really love and respect my work, always prioritize the guest, quality of food and service. My best friend asked for advice on how to open a café, so I decided to help. Made a concept, menu, attracted guests. Everything went super, the man started to earn money, and I let him work without my involvement.
8 months later, I started to receive complaints from him that I played a dirty trick on him, because the venue didn’t bring money. I decided to figure out what was going on and defend my professional honor.
It turned out that during this time good cooks were fired, the menu was ruined, technological processes were destroyed, the kitchen was in the unsanitary condition. When I saw what the family café turned into, I felt sick. The only thing I could do was to leave without a word and leave 20 years of friendship behind the closing doors. © Overheard / VK - We were friends since first grade, we lived next to each other, we went to school together, to art clubs, we were together everywhere. And after school, Nataly, my friend, decided to get married. So, naturally, I was supposed to be a maid of honor.
I was a bit shy, but I went to my friends, learnt how and what to say at the wedding, learnt the texts, drew wedding posters myself — I am very good at drawing. I had my dress specially made by a tailor.
And a day before the wedding, my friend’s younger brother came to my place and said, “Give me the posters — Nataly will have a different maid of honor! Our mom says you’re too shy and you’ll ruin the wedding. And our mom has a friend — she’ll be the maid of honor!” To say that I felt bad is to say nothing.
I silently handed over the posters. My mood was gone. On the wedding day, I didn’t go anywhere. And after the registration, the bride and groom came to my place and started to persuade me to go to the restaurant with them.
The initiative came from the groom — he knew both me and her, knew that I was supposed to be a maid of honor, and brought my friend to me to reconcile. I went with them to the wedding, but I was in no mood. I sat there for a while and went home. Then we made up with my friend and were friends for a long time until I left for another city. © 450383 Navitanyuk / Dzen - I bake delicious cakes. A friend invited me to her birthday party and asked me, “Please bake me my favorite cake!” Okay, no problem.
So, I arrive at her place, call the intercom and say, “Open the door,” and she replies, “Wait.” I wait. My friend goes outside and says, “Let’s go for a walk.”
It’s winter outside, but okay. And in a couple of minutes, she takes the cake from me and says, “Oh, I have to go, they’re waiting for me.” I can’t tell you how shocked I was.
Then my friend called and said, like, all her friends are gone, she’s bored. But I was heartbroken and couldn’t communicate with her like before. © Nasty26 / Pikabu
And here are stories about people who have a very twisted understanding of friendship.
Preview photo credit Irina Gabisonia
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