One more time I have got a proof, 'doctor' isn't just a profession, it's a vocation that was chosen by your heart :)
15 Stirring Photos That Made Us Cry Our Hearts Out
5 years ago
With every new day, we are given a chance to show our love and care to our friends, family, and, what’s also important, ourselves. There is never the right moment to start acting, to start sharing happiness, and to help others with an open heart. It’s things like this that help us to enjoy our life. And here is a whole article to help you understand this.
With these stories, Bright Side invites you to get a little emotional and inspired for a new day.
15. This is Gabriel Nobre. He had to clean a university building for free to be able to prepare for a difficult entrance exam without paying for it. In the photo he has just found out that he passed the exam.
14. “My daughter cut off her hair to donate!”
13. “My happy daughter with her new hearing aid.”
12. “My sister is in Egypt for work. She had no friends to see the pyramids with. So, her Uber driver agreed to go with her.”
11. A doctor made a “special prescription” for a patient who can’t read.
10. During a soccer game, visiting fans showered younger fans, who were sick children from a hospital, with lots of toys.
9. He was making PB&J for students who didn’t have time to eat breakfast before their AP test that morning.
8. Patrick Kilonzo delivers 10,000 liters of water every day to help animals who suffer from drought conditions.
7. “My grandpa has kept a photo of me in his wallet since I was 5 years old. Surprisingly, it’s still in good condition for a 20-year-old photo!”
6. Mark Bustos gives free haircuts to homeless people and inspires them to have hope for the future.
5. This kitty was lucky that someone saw her.
4. This woman goes to the hospital for dialysis 3 times per week. One medic heard from the woman’s daughter about her coming birthday. And they decided to decorate the ambulance.
3. Someone left warm stuff in this special box for those who need it.
2. This man spotted a pair of abandoned dogs left to die on the top of an overhanging cliff. They had no food, no water, and no way to go up or down. Here’s what he did.
1. Thank you, Willie!
Which story touched you the most? Have you ever witnessed good deeds that people did?
Preview photo credit ThatDIYCouple / Reddit
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is girl from #13 happy or more like scared? ?
#9 is a teacher of the year. :)
If he was my teacher, I would be more than happy. Amazing person

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