There is something mesmerizing about looking at a renovated space. It seems like the house breathes in a different way. In this article, people shared how they upgraded their homes.
“Still very much a work in progress, but I’m happy with where it’s at so far.”
“Before and after my fiancée moved in with me.”
“The nursery is ready. My wife and I are happy.”
“Kitchen remodel. All work done myself. Very happy with the results!”
Living room: before and after
“Male living space before and after getting a girlfriend”
“Very proud of my before and after!”
“I hated the floors, they are this really ugly green, but I didn’t want to change them, it’s too involved. Everyone talked me out of it, but I bought a can of paint, and this is what I got.”
“A can of paint cost $30, and voilà. Well, I also changed the mirror and the hooks. Look!”
“How do you like this kitchen?”
“Made the nursery myself! Proud of myself.”
- This is incredibly adorable! Congrats both on your work and on your new son! © lipenick / Reddit
“We bought a house. I wanted to renovate it badly, but we didn’t have the money. And now my dream has come true.”
“My style is not everyone’s taste, and that’s okay! But we don’t live in houses to appease others, we do it because it makes us feel cozy and peaceful.”
- While this is not at all my taste, I love this so, so much! Seriously, wow! Amazing job updating the space. So whimsical and magical. © SASPEKTOR / Reddit
“Finally got my living room where I want it after 3 years!”
Do you enjoy watching “before” and “after” transformations? Then here’s another collection for you.