Old black and white photos have their own unique and timeless charm. But sometimes we can’t resist the temptation to imagine how they would have looked in color. Luckily, there are truly creative people on Reddit who are willing to bring your old family photos to life by adding a splash of color to them.
We at Bright Side were mesmerized by these old images that have very personal and touching stories to tell.
1. “My grandma passed away last August and my grandpa had a rough year because of it.”
“I was hoping to bring some newfound joy to him from a treasured memory.”
2. “My dad with friends in the 1950s in NYC. I feel it’s an uplifting image of multicultural friendships in a racially segregated era.”
3. “A photo my grandpa took of Marilyn Monroe in Korea.”
4. “Grandma is losing it to Alzheimer’s, but she still recognizes herself in her wedding photo.”
5. “My aunt in Mexico during the ’60s”
6. “My grandparents on their wedding day, 1956”
7. “My beautiful mother at her high school graduation in El Salvador”
8. “My grandparents have their 63rd anniversary in April. This was taken around 1955.”
10. “My grandma is turning 86 this month.”
11. “My great-grandparents looking disapprovingly at my grandparents”
12. “My grandma just turned 90. She kept talking about not remembering the color of her dress.”
13. “My grandma and grandpa”
14. “My great-grandfather’s birthday party”
15. “My grandma when she was 17 years old”
Do you think these photos look better in color? Do you have any old family photos you’d like to see colorized?