15 Times When People Found Items That Seemed Dirty but Were Actually Innocent

7 months ago

Understanding everything can be hard; sometimes, we discover very puzzling things. When this happens, people on the internet can quickly solve these mysteries. Here are some tricky puzzles that will make you think.

1. “This was found in an old tool box. It’s orange. It’s very elastic and very sticky.”

Answer: “Well, it’s actually a sensory toy — spiky glove.”

2. “Small plastic object. Has a cap that covers 2 small nubs on top.”

Answer: “I was over here assuming it was for 2 part epoxy.”

3. “Found this on the beach. It’s less than a foot long and seems to be a string with a bunch of little discs strung on it?”

Answer: “Those are whelk egg cases!”

4. “Weird purple plastic object with suction cup on bottoms.”

Answer: “It’s a massager.”

5. “I work in recycling and have found multiple objects like this. It is made of silicone, has a (weak) magnet, and is kinda phallic. What is this thing?”

Answer: “Looks like the band can loop and attach to itself. Maybe it attaches to a backpack and holds a water bottle or something of the sort.”

6. “Hollow small glass object with a weird opening. What is it?”

Answer: Glass vase/flower holder.

7. “20 years of research and Reddit is my last hope!”

Answer: “Inside the mouth of a Freshwater Drum.”

8. “I found it in a forest in Sweden, about 1 m from the ground, roughly 20 cm in size. Hard to the touch, but drips liquid when knocked.”

Answer: “Looks like a polypore fungus that is exuding excess moisture, called guttation.”

9. “I got a bag containing 6 of these from China. I have no idea why! What are they?”

Answer: Rose of Jericho (Resurrection Plant, Dinosaur Plant, Jericho Rose)

10. “Husband’s truck exploded, this came out.”

Answer: “It’s the inside bits, the catalyst, of a catalytic converter.”

11. “What is this big hole that is usually found on milk cartons?”

Answer: “This is actually a measure to keep the milk contained if it’s suddenly dropped or frozen. Makes the cap pop out if so.”

12. “It was described as a plushie, but I don’t understand why it has the sleeve on the bottom.”

Answer: “Golf club cover.”

13. “The hole gets smaller when I squeeze it. Found in the kitchen at my parents’ house. What do I use it for?”

Answer: “It’s to strip corn on the cob.”

14. “What is this bubbling out of the ground in my yard? Purplish metallic gooey inside.”

Answer: “Carpenter here, that looks all the world to me like expanding foam. The manufacturers like to color them for brand recognition or purpose identification. All the signs are there. The even coloration, the outer skin that formed, and the familiar random expansion pattern.”

15. “Moved into home recently, and sellers left this behind. Maybe it’s just ornamental?”

Answer: “When our friends were having an extension done, they had maxed their spending out for Christmas. My GF and I got a similar brick done (except with a decorative tag saying they had no money that year) as our gift. We use it as a doorstop in the downstairs loo.”

Encounters with unusual objects can leave individuals perplexed about their intended purpose. Fortunately, online experts are readily available to assist in deciphering the meaning behind even the most enigmatic items, for instance, like in this case.

Preview photo credit shape_reality / Reddit


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