16 Floofy Photos of a Piglet and Her Buddies, Because There’s No Such Thing as Too Much Serotonin

2 years ago

Fluffy found her calling in zootherapy and her goal in life is to put smiles on everyone’s faces. Her owner Erika once joined forces with a photographer named Chantal Clevesque to create the most precious photoshoot for Fluffy. As a result, Chantal was able to capture Fluffy’s essence and created portraits that could melt even the coldest of hearts.

We at Bright Side are rushing to brighten up your day and we have the best possible helper we could find. And as a bonus as the end, there are some floofsters waiting to make the rest of your year.

Fluffy has a very important job.

Fluffy’s owner Erika runs a zootherapy business that is aimed at providing physical and emotional support for people in need of a safe environment.

We have no doubt that this cutie and her sweet friends are the best at turning any frown upside down.

A photoshoot that turned a simple pig into a star.

It’s evident from the photos, that Fluffy loves pink. Erika and Chantal did their best to ensure that Fluffy looked her best, so she was wearing an adorable pink dress with little unicorns and even had a pink nail polish on!

The photographer got the most out of the pink tulip setting and made Fluffy look like this was where she truly belonged. We didn’t know we needed these beautiful photos, but now we can’t imagine life without them.

Bonus: Fluffy’s friends want to make you smile too!

This good girl just want to see you smile :)

“Double boop for these two.”

“Before and after being called a good girl.”

“Caught two cuties cuddling right outside my window.”

“This is Kosi. If he really concentrates, he can shoot rainbows out of his head.”

“This little dude was found dumped in a gutter at 5 weeks old, two weeks later he has officially stolen my heart.”

“Popping in to say happy weekend!”

Do you have a cute pet that makes you feel better no matter what? Share your photos with us!


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