16 Out-of-the-Box Designs That Could Win Awards With Their Uniqueness

3 years ago

Salvador Dali used to say, “Have no fear of perfection — you’ll never reach it.” And while that may seem a bit pessimistic, in reality, it helps free you from the thought that you need to be perfect. Since there is no universal meaning of the word, “perfect,” you should just concentrate on putting your best self forward. That’s the only way you will create wonderful things that people will admire.

Bright Side would love to share 16 designs we recently discovered that should make the world go round.

1. “The door handle to this butcher shop”

2. “A little crab pen holder I found in Tokyo”

3. “This fire extinguisher art”

4. “My mom is finishing a puzzle of the world that has curved pieces.”

5. “This elevator at my university has foot buttons.”

6. “A bus interior was made to look like a forest.”

7. “A refrigerator with a removable pitcher built into the door”

8. “I built a guitar out of ocean plastic.”

9. A desk lamp in the shape of a dog

10. “A 3D printed Easter Island tissue box cover”

11. “Not to look super fancy, but I high-key want to watch my food cook.”

12. A handmade rocketship lamp

13. “A new shelf in my bathroom”

14. “This remote has a headphone plug in it to listen to TV quietly.”

15. “A staircase at a metro in India”

16. “So my friend made a life-size Snorlax for my husband.”

Which one of the designs above amazed you the most? Would you fall for an advertised product if the ad itself was super smart and convincing?

Preview photo credit youcanseemyface / reddit


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