16 People Shared Effective Life Hacks That Can Make Our Days So Much Easier

Tips & tricks
2 years ago

Every day, we follow rules, sometimes even without thinking about them. When we cook lunch, for example, we use ordinary utensils, and it never crosses our mind that we can do things like cut potatoes with an apple cutter. At the same time, many Internet users had to improvise once, only to realize afterward that they had found an effective life hack. So let’s check them out.

At Bright Side, we admire people who can think outside the box and help themselves and others to make their lives a little bit easier. We hope that you’ll find these life hacks really useful.

Use your spring-loaded salad tongs to keep your reusable bags open as they dry.

“My cousin laminated all the writing sheets in his family’s board games so they can reuse them.”

You can trim the nappy bristles off the end of your broom to make it more effective before you replace it.

“A common runner’s trick: wear socks inside out to prevent blisters and chafing from seams.”

“Don’t have screens but don’t want your pets to get out? Use a baby gate.”

When painting, put a garbage bag over the tray for an easier clean-up after.

Use an old cupcake tray to organize your nuts and bolts when dismantling something.

Do you need more light when you’re camping? Put a water bottle on top of your phone flashlight for a lantern effect.

“I use an apple corer to prep my roast potatoes.”

“Fork your Oreo so your fingers never touch the milk. I just learned this at 30 years old.”

When you have to drill holes in the wall but don’t have anyone to hold a vacuum cleaner while drilling, this method is excellent.

“A cheap spatula prevents you from losing a remote control. I haven’t lost mine in years.”

If you want to know how long the bulb will last, write down the date it started working.

Keep at least 1 empty tissue box. When you’re sick and need to keep your germs contained, the spare box makes a nifty container for used tissues.

Do you have a slat bed that creaks and squeaks? Slide cotton swabs under the slats where it meets the frame.

Does your zipper always fall down? Use a key ring to keep it up.

Can you add any life hacks to this list? Share your ideas in the comments below.

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