16 People Shared Secrets That They Keep Away From Their Loved Ones

year ago

Sometimes people keep something secret to save their relationship. And it may not even be about cheating, but about something insignificant and still not really good. However, sometimes people even keep a secret of a mere trifle. See for yourself.

  • I met my husband when we were university students. After we graduated and got our jobs, we had a baby. Both his and my families are asking when we are going to get married. And we don’t know how to tell them that we’ve been married for 10 years.
    It’s just we had a civil ceremony when we were still students. We kept our own surnames because we didn’t want to spend time on changing papers. Besides, everyone around us was saying that a student marriage would be short-lived. That’s why we didn’t tell anyone.
  • One time my brother and I broke glass candle holders. Anyways I threw a pillow at my brother, and he dodged it, and it hit the candle holders behind him. There was glass everywhere. We cleaned all of it up, but since there were fewer candle holders, we had to move some of it around to make it look like nothing ever happened. It has been a while now and our mom still hasn’t figured it out. © Unknown author / Quora
  • My wife of 41 years loves good chocolates, but complains when I buy them for her. She consumes only one per day, she has such willpower. Weeks ago, I bought her a bigger than my usual box of Godiva chocolates for her birthday. As the box diminishes, I watch the level and I buy a small box of 8 and sneak them the «surprise refill» into the existing bigger box when she’s not around.
    She gets down to 4 or 5 left in what was the bottom layer of the big box, and I quietly refill it to 12. It’s been over 2 weeks of secret refills and she either hasn’t noticed or has and doesn’t want me to stop. I’m hoping to keep this little secret forever. © Peter Ratcliffe / Quora
  • We had just started dating. After having dinner together, we decided to walk back home. We were talking and laughing and pulling each other’s legs, when he noticed that one of my shoelaces weren’t tied properly. «Tie your laces first. You will trip and fall!»
    I had just had a large pizza and a plate full of pasta, all by myself. I was too full to bend down and tie it. Moreover, I was too lazy to even try. «I don’t know how to tie them.» I don’t know why I said that, but I just did.
    We were on a crowded road surrounded by people. In the middle of it, he sat on his knees, smiled at me and tied it for me. This was 4 years ago. He still doesn’t know, I know how to tie my laces. Whenever, I want to wear sneakers, he always sits on his knees and ties them for me. I have no intention of telling him. © Manisha Kanoria / Quora
  • My husband and I were trying to conceive for 5 years. I became really depressed and blamed myself for not being able to have a child. So, I cheated on my husband. It happened just the one time, and I cut all ties with him the following day. The guilt is eating me alive, and I know this is unforgivable.
    My husband and I now have 2 beautiful boys, and we’re so happy. How do I go on? How do people feel okay with doing this and having no remorse? If I ever told him, it would crush him and I know he’d leave. © Unknown author / Reddit
  • For 6 months, my girlfriend was making amazing raspberry jam. I gave it to my mum to try, and she asked for the recipe, but my girlfriend didn’t tell me, said it was a secret. I got so used to it that couldn’t eat any other jam, but suddenly she stopped making it. I begged, I pleaded, I almost cried. Once she got mad and shouted, «The old lady who was making it left, so there will be no more raspberry jam!»
  • Before we got married, my husband and I had a fight. We agreed to go somewhere together, but he didn’t come and didn’t call me back. I went to his house and had a row, and his brother messed up my car for fun. My husband refused to admit his brother’s guilt. So I secretly scratched his car parked outside his work with my keys.
    My husband still thinks it was either a coworker or just random that someone keyed his car. We’re married with 2 kids now. And I’m still embarrassed to tell him the truth. © Sylvie Kalkis / Quora
  • I had a friend at school who used to tell her parents she was going to a dance class and then went to my place. Her parents paid for her classes, and she even showed them some dance moves she made up herself. Her parents never found out about her deceit, which is very strange to me.
  • Sometimes I’ll bring home a beauty or hygiene product from the store, and my husband will ask, «What’s this?» I put on my Rita Hayworth or Marilyn Monroe impression — voice and demeanor — and answer, «I wish to retain my woman of mystery image with you, darling, and so I choose not to answer.» I don’t want to share my beauty and other personal secrets with him — or work out or exercise with him. At all.
    I don’t mind him seeing me somewhat swollen-eyed and bedraggled when I first wake up in the morning, but how I «work my magic» to make myself attractive, no. Whether I’m spitting toothpaste into the sink, shaving my underarms, flossing, etc. — no. None of that does he need to know or see or hear about. © Marion Esclairimonde / Quora
  • We have been divorced for almost 35 years, so this is from a long, long time ago. My husband never knew that the Best Man for his second wedding was my «main squeeze» for 3,5 years!
    © Unknown author / Quora
  • When I was 22, my dad told me a secret. I told my brother, because I felt it was something he deserved to know. My dad took the secret to his grave, and now my brother and I carry that secret.
    His secret? He had another son. I’m the oldest in my family, and this boy would be about 4–5 years older than me.
    My dad wouldn’t share any info about him with me. He said there was one other person who knew about the boy, but he took the secret to his grave as well. So now my brother and I know we have an older half-sibling, but we don’t know how to find him. © Rebecca Busato / Quora
  • We didn’t have any money, so I took some jewelry, including my wedding ring, and took them to a pawn shop. I expected to pay for them and recover my things, but that never happened and I lost them. Later that same year, my purse was stolen, so I told my husband that my wedding ring was there along with other things. I have tried to be a good wife, honest and trust-worthy, and this is my deepest secret, but I won’t tell him this because he would feel sad for it, and at the end it is only things that can be replaced with money. © Unknown author / Quora
  • My father discovered a «big secret» at his anniversary (55 years old). He said that when he and my mother were getting married, I was already in her belly.
    Well, as if it wasn’t obvious, given that the wedding was in March, and I was born in November of the same year and, according to my mother’s words, postterm. I’m 32, by the way. Mum hasn’t heard about this revelation yet. She’ll probably deny it. Like little kids!
  • I had an affair with my wife’s best friend (Jo) before we were married, while we were engaged. We cut it off a week before the wedding and kept it that way. I found out about 2 years into our marriage that my wife (Marla) was cheating on me.
    At first, I let it go because of my guilt with Jo. But then Marla got pregnant, and I couldn’t know if the child was mine or not. A year after her birth (Tia), I had a paternity test performed and it came back negative. I double-checked with another lab, and it’s negative — Tia isn’t mine.
    I’m pretty sure Marla doesn’t know that I know. And if she found out about me knowing, it would likely ruin our relationship forever. I am gaining courage to confront her about it. Her lover is married with 2 kids. If this is let out of the bag, a lot of damage will arise. I’m bracing myself. © Unknown author / Quora
  • A friend of mine is very fond of coffee, they have a coffee machine at home. I work together with her husband (they have been together for 15 years), and he often drinks coffee from our office coffee machine. Recently we were chatting with my friend, and she said, «My husband doesn’t drink coffee, only tea.» That was weird.
    At work, I decided to ask her husband, and he said, «Well, she never offered me coffee. The coffee machine is only hers, she doesn’t allow me to touch it, she gives me tea and I drink it, although I hate tea.» I’m in shock: how is it possible that she hasn’t known her husband’s tastes for 15 years of marriage? And how can you keep silent and drink something you hate for 15 years?
  • Last year I took a DNA test to find out more about my ethnicity. And it turned my life upside down. Then I tricked my parents into doing this test too. My dad’s results showed that he is not my biological father. But I look like my dad! Oh my god, I must have been switched at the hospital and my parents’ child is somewhere out there, and so are my birth parents. This is incredible. But my mom’s result showed that she is my biological mom.
    This past May, I receive an email from the company that did my DNA testing telling me that I have new relatives. I login into the portal and find 2 genetic matches: one is a 25% match and is my uncle, and one is a 12.5% match, and she is my cousin. Turns out that my uncle’s brother was my real father. I located him on Facebook and sent him a private message with a picture of my mom from 1969 and a message that read, «Hi, my name is... I understand that you knew my mother in 1969 in Bucharest. Her name was... Please let me know if this is you. Thank you.»
    He finally answered, saying, «Yes, this is true. You are as beautiful as your mother. My God, it has been 50 years. Are you my daughter?» I went to meet him, and he and my father really look like each other. The whole thing is wild. I don’t know if my parents know that my dad is not my biological father. I decided never to tell them. I’m still shocked by this secret. © Unknown author / Quora

And here are the stories from people who reveal the most intimate secrets that they have never told anyone.


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