16 Sibling Relationships That Created Bonds Beyond Childhood

Family & kids
5 hours ago

Almost 80% of us have at least one sibling, and these relationships seem to be the most enduring in our lives. While partners and friends may exit our circles, what remains the same in many cases is our brothers and sisters. And the memories they offer us are like treasure.

  • Me and my little bro, at the time we were 12 and 9, in a tree house in the evening. We saw a (I will still swear on it) flying saucer dip down, and then rapidly back up and out into space.
    We still talk about it 25 years later. We believe. Best night ever. @tuesdayb*** / Reddit
  • When I was 5 years old and my brother was 10, our mom gave us some money to buy ice cream. We went to a nearby store and bought 2 ice creams.
    My brother said, “Let’s play and find out who can eat the ice cream faster!” I knew it would be hard to win, so I was doing it really fast, but my brother was eating at a regular speed. I didn’t know why, and ended up eating the whole thing faster.
    When I told him that I’d won, he said, “Okay. But I still have some ice cream, and you have nothing.” I cried. © Moontravel / Pikabu
  • My older brother and I have competed a lot ever since we were kids. We fought, and we often yelled at each other. We even dated each other’s girlfriends. Then we grew up.
    I’m 29 and my brother is 34. Everything stopped when I told him his job was cool and that he was a great man. He smiled and said that I was a true fighter and he wasn’t. He also said that I had all the character and power. Since then, we’ve been cool. © Podslushano / VK
  • My brother and I love challenging each other with absurd and ridiculous dares. I made him act like “he was pregnant” for an entire week in front of my parents, friends, his girlfriend, and even teachers, and it was pretty fun looking at their confused -yet amused- expressions and their demand for explanations.
    Not to mention when he made me climb onto a stranger’s lap and sit there for 5 minutes and then walk away like nothing happened. It was the most awkward moment of my life.
    But my favorite one goes back to Halloween when he found some weird costumes. I had to wear a chicken costume, go into KFC, and scream, “DON’T EAT MY BABIES.” I later found out that the guy I liked, who’s now my boyfriend, was there, as well as some of my friends. © Kiara Bay / Quora
  • My younger brother and I were taken to an aviary with a group of children. We were instructed to put 2 fingers out; a handler brought a bird around and the bird perched on each child’s outstretched fingers. My brother was a little timid.
    While he had his fingers out, they weren’t exactly stopping traffic. The handler was about to pass him by, and I stopped her, saying, "Lady, you forgot my brother’s fingers." I am my brother’s fingers keeper. @Jodie-Beth Galos / Quora
  • My boyfriend loved making fun of his little sister. They were eating dumplings in the kitchen one time, and when his sister looked away, he put some of his dumplings into her bowl, and she kept asking, “Where are they coming from?” And he told her, “When you look away, they are born.” After that, she started eating faster and never looked away. © Podslushano / VK
  • My little brother was super depressed and lonely as a teen. We never show our emotions much in our family, but I knew he was going through it. One day I got really hammered before coming home. I burst into his room and just poured out all my emotions.
    I told him I loved him so much and that I was going to have his back until the day we died because that's what brothers do. I hugged him, and he just cried in my arms for a long time. We're closer than ever now, and he's doing a lot better. I'll never forget that night. @Unknown author / Reddit
  • When I was 5 my older brother shoved me into the hide-a-bed and then proceeded to close it up on me. It scared me so much at the time, and that probably is why I have claustrophobia.
    A couple of years later I was getting picked on at school and my brother just happened to show up at the right time to stop me from getting beaten up. He's pretty much been my hero since that day. Love that goofy fuck to pieces. @einzigerai / Reddit
  • My little sister and I are only two years apart and are incredibly close. She treats me like I'm the perfect human ever, and I try my best to live up to it.
    One time she asked me to throw the Frisbee with her outside, but I said I didn't want to because the yard was full of those white clovers that attract a lot of bees, and I didn't want to step on a bee (we both always prefer to be barefoot outdoors). She comes back an hour or two later and asks me to play Frisbee again.
    I remind her that we can't because of the clovers. She tells me there aren't any clovers, and when I step outside, it becomes apparent to me that she picked every single clover in the whole yard. There were hundreds of them, thousands maybe. @Vanerac / Reddit
  • I got to hold my sister in my arms the day she was born. She was kind of ugly and had swollen eyes, but it's a memory I hold dear. @Unknown author / Reddit
  • I was 4 months pregnant and puked all over the inside of my car. I was crying so hard and covered in gross, and my 15-year-old brother went outside and cleaned it up for me without me asking. I loved that kid. @lizbithornswoggle / Reddit
  • My siblings are lined up to open gifts on Christmas morning. My older sister was in the middle, and my little brother and I were on either side. My brother and I both get remote-controlled cars. We rev them.
    We look at each other...without speaking, we both put the wheels first on our sister's head and rev them again. Her hair tangles in the axles, and she has 2 cars stuck to her head. Sister is crying, Mom is yelling, and Dad is laughing. Best Christmas ever. @Oldmanenok / Reddit
  • By the time I'd reached my second year of university, my sister and all of my friends knew that I was gay. My sister and I never really had that kind of bond where we talked about our personal lives, but we got along reasonably well.
    At the time, our parents were Asian and superconservative, and I was convinced that they'd kick me out and disown me if I came out to them. At this time, my sister was at home staying with us (she lived on campus at military University in another city) and I broke down to her: what if my parents found out I was gay? What if they kicked me out?
    I don't have the money to support myself. She said that if they didn't do anything like that, she'd pay rent for me and support me until I could get a job and afford to support myself. @stafyqe / Reddit
  • We were playing football with a few lads in the back garden. My little brother (maybe 9-10) scores a goal and starts to immediately break into this weird dance/celebration whilst screaming.
    It wasn’t that good a goal. A wasp had gotten into his sock and stung him in the foot at that moment. That ‘dance’ was so funny. @Unknown author / Reddit
  • She was 2 at the time and barely spoke. Looked at me, and reached for my head. I leaned in, and she said while patting my hair: "Brothar, you aev susch a buutiful head" (tried to get that cute kid-accent through text).
    She's 9 now, and we had lots of great moments, I think we're really good siblings, but this one really stuck with me. @KosViik / Reddit
  • So me and my sister had the same lunch and me and my friends had a big fight earlier that day, so I didn't want to sit with them. So I went and just sat at a table alone that didn't have anyone there. Then my sister came over and said, "Hey bud, want to come to sit with me and my friends?" I told her no, I'm fine.
    So instead of leaving and going back with her friends, she just sat there with me. I thought it was cute, so I wanted to share it. @LikeCody / Reddit

Oftentimes, siblings grow up in the same house but have completely different experience with their parents. Why does one kid feel like their parents are toxic when the other feels just fine?

Preview photo credit Moontravel / Pikabu


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