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12 Weird Photos That Need Explaining Right Now
In the era of smartphones and affordable cameras, people are taking pictures of every moment of their lives. In fact, people were predicted to take 1.2 trillion digital photos in 2017. Thanks to this technology boost, it is easy to capture stunning and strange things in your environment and immediately share them with the world.
We at Bright Side have collected some weird pictures we found on the Internet which left us with so many questions, we just had to share them with you. Look through this list and who knows — maybe you will be able to find an explanation to one of these photos!
1. Is this cup full or empty?
2. This camel has been parked properly.
3. An all-Yeti tour of New York City!
4. Does this fidget spinner phone charge by spinning?
5. Just some kittens in a bathtub, no big deal.
6. Surfing on an ironing board...?
7. Walking in a cactus field is never a good idea.
8. It is time we ban Oreos everywhere!
9. How did he get in there and why?
10. In the UK, foxes stand in line to get money from the ATM.
11. A remote-controlled plane in the form of a witch
12. Is there a hand floating in the air?

Probably that guy is holding a napkin or something
Which picture surprised you the most? Did you manage to find an easy explanation for any of them? Perhaps you have some pictures of weird things you’d like to share? Don’t hesitate to exchange your opinions, impressions, and surprising pictures right here in the comments.

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