oopsie daisy tyra. they r lucky they grew back
17 Before and After Celebrity Photos That Show How Eyebrows Can Change Your Face
Do you remember how popular over-plucked eyebrows were back in the ’90s and ‘00s? Many of us followed that trend, and celebrities are no exception. Gwen Stefani, Christina Aguilera, Angelina Jolie, Tyra Banks, and many other celebs were showing off their thinner-than-thin eyebrows back in the day, and some of them went as far as simply drawing thin eyebrow lines with a pencil. But fashion changes, and with time these ladies let their eyebrows grow back natural and bushy.
We at Bright Side compared the pictures of 17 celebrity women with their eyebrows super thin and naturally thick, and we bet these collages will make you put your tweezers away for a while.
Gwen Stefani
Jennifer Lopez
Penélope Cruz
Salma Hayek
Drew Barrymore
Christina Aguilera
Paris Hilton
Mandy Moore
Nicole Richie
Angelina Jolie
Olivia Wilde
Kate Hudson
Jessica Alba
Lady Gaga
Selena Gomez
Tyra Banks
Jennifer Aniston
Do you prefer thin or thick eyebrows? Did you wear super thin eyebrows when they were a trend? Tell us in the comments!
In another piece, Angelina Jolie’s unique parenting rules are explored, revealing her emphasis on individuality, freedom, and respect for her children. This approach has earned her admiration from fans and fellow parents alike.
so naively 90s/00s eyebrows Vs 20s lol
I remember having thin ones to

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