6 Unique Parenting Rules Angelina Jolie Uses for Her Children, Which Make Us Love Her Even More

year ago

It seems that Angelina Jolie, the doting mother that she undoubtedly is, wants to give her six kids — Maddox, Pax, Zahara, Shiloh, Vivienne, and Knox — all the freedom she can in her position as an A-lister. Studies prove this to be a winning strategy: letting children explore the world on their own helps with improving family well-being, bonding, and fulfilling emotional needs.

We at Bright Side decided to look more into the parenting rules of Angelina Jolie and see if we all can learn a thing or two from her.

1. For a long time, the celebrity mom took an unconventional approach to education.

Angelina Jolie seemed to have favored the international schooling program called Lycée Française. It lets its students choose different classes according to their interests and drop them whenever all the while being homeschooled. However, after Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt got divorced in 2016, there has been news stating that the parents settled on traditional schooling for the kids.

As for their future professions, there’s no pressure either: “None of my kids want to be actors,” the Oscar-winning actress reveals. However, if Vivienne changes her mind and decides to follow in her parents’ footsteps, she already has one impressive record on her resume: she’s appeared in Maleficent playing child Aurora because other child actors were too scared of Jolie in the costume.

2. The freedom goes further than just education.

The ability of her six kids to express themselves the way they want is a priority for the actress: “Nothing makes me smile more than when I see someone being fully themselves, with their own individual style and character.” She admits that her own style was bold at school, “I was a punk. I loved leather, PVC, and fishnets.” So whether or not to let her children express themselves freely wasn’t really a question.

3. The other rules are not at all strict as well.

The celebrity mom of six says, “I don’t want them to be perfectly behaved little people that just say what’s absolutely appropriate because I say so ... they have to find themselves.” This goes as far as the “eat whatever you want” approach which means that the kids are allowed to snack on junk food whenever they like.

4. With that, there are still some restrictions coming from fame.

Angelina Jolie is a caring and thoughtful mother who wants to shelter her children from the negative aspects of fame, so she values their privacy a lot. That’s why the six kids don’t have Instagram or Facebook accounts, even though the actress admits that it’s difficult to limit their internet access since it’s hard to keep up with the modern tech at the same pace kids do.

5. She also tries to protect them from the harsh realities of divorce.

Dealing with parents’ divorce is very difficult for all children, but it seems that when it’s talked about and rumored by so many media outlets, it becomes even harder. That’s why Angelina prioritizes healing her family over making many claims about their private life. She says that the kids have seen many lies about themselves but they are “six very brave, very strong young people” despite it all.

6. Her rules apply not only to the kids.

The actress’s father, renowned actor Jon Voight, also spends time with the kids. Jolie reconnected with him not very long ago, but she says that at a time like this (referring to the aftermath of the divorce), they needed their grandpa. However there’s a rule for him, too: he can’t make them play with him. Rather just be there for the kids to tell them stories and hang out together.

Which rules do you think can be used in a regular, non-celebrity family? Do you already implement anything similar in yours?

Angelina Jolie, beyond her acclaimed acting career, is a style icon with lessons to impart. From her preference for nude pumps that elongate her legs, to her penchant for black, white, and pastel clothing, her style choices are both elegant and strategic. Power dressing is another forte, with Jolie often donning sophisticated skirts and pantsuits. Her makeup and jewelry choices further accentuate her features, and her love for the “Greek goddess” silhouette in evening gowns is evident.

In a rare move, Jolie took to social media to pen a heartfelt tribute on her late mother’s 73rd birthday. Sharing a vintage photo of her mother, Marcheline Bertrand, Jolie reminisced about the bond they shared. She also highlighted her mother’s battle with cancer, drawing attention to her own preventive surgeries and the importance of regular health checkups, especially for those with a family history of the disease.

Angelina Jolie’s diverse family, comprising both biological and adopted children, is a testament to her boundless love. While her adopted daughter, Zahara, faced health challenges early on, Jolie’s unwavering support saw her through. On the other hand, Shiloh, Jolie’s biological daughter, stands out with her distinct features. Jolie emphasizes that her bond with Zahara is deep-rooted, stemming from shared experiences of adversity. Yet, she remains conscious of meeting the unique needs of each child, ensuring that love is evenly spread.


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