17 Cool Ideas That Were Made With Love in Mind

3 years ago

Human fantasy and inventiveness are limitless. Perhaps you’ve come across some simple but ingenious things that made you think, “Why didn’t I make that up myself?” These are the kinds of things that the heroes of our article came across. Luckily, they immediately took a photo of them.

At Bright Side, when seeing these photos, we realized that we should share them to make this world a better place.

This bank of gas meters at a mall has been turned into the interior of a submarine.

This toilet paper has extra mini rolls in the center instead of cardboard tubes.

This restaurant bill is automatically split.

A carpeted indoor pool for the kids to play in

This baby store has different surfaces to “road test” the strollers.

“There’s a rubber duck store near my house.”

“My local hardware store has a pet turtle that wanders the store early in the morning.”

This store allows you to build your own pens.

“First time I’ve ever seen a carpeted grocery store.”

This sports store has a mini obstacle course so you can test your hiking shoes.

New huge dates are stamped on bottles of milk in the store.

This store in Canada has storewide discounts that change based on the temperature outside that day.

“Our local library made this snowman out of books.”

“My local bakery has bread ties that are made of cardboard instead of plastic, one more small step.”

“My local cinema has the carpet from the movie The Shining.”

This hotel in Hong Kong includes this local phone to use while in the city. It even works as a Wi-Fi hotspot.

This park has a wheelchair accessible swing.

What other curious ideas have you seen in your city? Tell us in the comments below.

Preview photo credit IWantYourData / Reddit


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