They say that dads are usually the fun parents while mothers do all the disciplining and parenting. We can’t say that this is the case in every family, but many of you may agree with this sentiment. Let’s see 17 cool dads who made their kids’ day and showed us that love is limitless.
2. “One of the perks of being a father is enjoying ’first experience’ moments like this and seeing the joy on his face.”
3. When you’re incredibly happy
4. “This guy kept his hand in this position for more than 45 minutes so his daughter could sleep well.”
5. Tenderness hiding behind seriousness
6. “My son’s first day at school today. I handled it really well.”
7. “My dad holding a 3-week-old baby goat”
8. “It’s nice to be with Mom, but Dad is more interesting.”
9. This is why they create social media accounts
10. “I promised my daughter I’d donate my hair with her. It took 2 years but it was worth it!”
11. The difference between parents
12. “Well, guess I’m stuck here forever...again.”
13. “I’d rather carry around these extra 100 lbs (on the right)”
14. “Dad life, you say? I raise you, single father, dress-up time.”
15. The way they “care” can be different
16. “My son has a new knitted beard!”
17. “I knew my big nose would come in handy some day.”
There are so many cool dads around us but we rarely give them enough credit. From supporting their kids no matter what to bringing laughter into their lives, dads are a blessing.