17 Inventions We Really Need in Everyday Life

5 years ago

Not every designer makes things that are convenient to use. Even if it’s just a simple mirror in the bathroom, a candle, or ice cream — true talent can be seen in even the smallest things.

Bright Side continues to search for cool designs on the internet that are not just beautiful, but also really useful. So here’s another compilation for you.

1. A USB port in a bus

2. “Came across this pizza vending machine: fresh pizza, ready in 3 minutes.”

3. This supermarket has magnifying lenses on their carts to help people read product’s labels.

4. “My canister of Asian Pringles’ has a tab to lift the chips up so you don’t have to put your hand inside the tube.”

5. This baby changing table has a toddler seat next to it.

6. Soap tablets that are easy to carry with you

7. Steel legs that can be used to make a chair or a table using any material

8. “In the Tallinn airport, one of the men’s bathrooms has step-by-step instructions on tying a tie.”

9. Edible holder for melting ice cream

10. A candle with a place for a matchbox

11. This shop sells sweatshirts with built-in earphones.

12. A device for people who love working or watching movies on the couch

13. “My stapler came with colored staples in the back to remind me to refill it when the staples are running low.”

14. “The needles in my sewing kit came pre-threaded.”

15. This individual egg carton

16. Gloves for smartphone users

17. Bottle of water and a pill container

Bonus: When walking in the yard is like a battlefield, you get an anti-coyote and anti-hawk vest.

that dog doesn't seem like he/she likes that vest, i bet after the coyote attacked, that dogs face expression will change and never wanna remove the vest


Which of these inventions did you like the most?

Preview photo credit vaccamao / reddit, bakaken / reddit


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