15+ Sweet Pics That Spread Warm Fuzzy Feels to Everyone Who Sees Them

2 years ago

Statistics put the average life span at 79 years, and believe it or not, we spend about 33 years of it in bed. The remaining digits are used for working, eating, and socializing. And this leaves us with about 8 years’ worth of time spent with family, and “living our lives,” hopefully the way we wanted to.

We tend to forget how precious time is, but thankfully, Bright Side found these 17 people who could inspire us to enjoy the simple things in life, and cherish the special moments that come our way.

1. “My niece grew this perfect duck tomato.”

2. “My daughter meeting her great-grandma for the first time.”

3. “Met Jack Black last night! Core memory created for my son.”

4. “Daddy’s home!”

5. “Reunited with my aunt and cousins after 24 years.”

6. “He loves his new human.”

7. “My husband holding our daughter for the first time”

8. “This cute couple in matching outfits”

9. “My neighbor posing with my pets”

10. “The kids at high school raised money and reached their goal, and they wanted to see their coach dressed as an ’emo.’”

“He pulled through and slayed it.”

11. “Every year, my son and I take a photo with him on my shoulders.”

“Every year he gets so much bigger, smarter, and makes me feel happier than ever to be his dad.”

12. “This is my daughter after she saw herself in the mirror. She is absolutely smitten with her costume.”

13. “Dad visiting the United States for the first time, and his first wish was to see a clean river.”

14. “I take my obstacle courses very seriously.”

15. “My son trying to be accepted into the gang of ducks that frequents my parents’ yard.”

16. “My mom smiling after saving 40 kids from a burning school bus today.”

17. “My dad got to hold a 3-week-old baby goat yesterday.”

18. “That sheepish smile”

19. “I took my tegu (lizard) to work last week. He loved it.”

Do you have a memory that never fails to put a smile on your face every time you think about it? Did you capture that moment in a photo? Share your thoughts and photos with us in the comment section.

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