17 Touching Stories That Can Warm Your Heart in the Cold Evening

2 hours ago

In the autumn season, we are tempted to wrap ourselves in a blanket to feel warm and cozy. And sometimes, after reading stories about kind people or just something touching, you may feel warm again. And your face breaks into a smile.

  • My sister is studying to be a pediatrician. She and her group went to an orphanage, and there was a girl there. She said she remembered that her mum had a mole behind her ear.
    So, the sister plays with the little girl, and the girl keeps peeking behind her ear. The sister says, “There’s no mole there.” And the girl whispers, “Let’s draw one.” Even boys were about to cry. © SITUATION / VK

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  • I have a cool son. And it doesn’t matter that he is not my biological son, but my wife’s child from her first marriage. He is my son, because it is I who raise him and love him. And he feels it. Recently, we told him that he is going to have a little brother.
    I was afraid that he would start to worry that now he will be less loved and all the attention will be on his brother. But John reassured me when he came up to me and said, “I will love my brother as much as you love me!” He kissed me on the cheek and hugged me. I almost cried at that moment. © SITUATION / VK
  • “Please let me go, I can’t take it anymore,” I heard from my boyfriend, and for the first time I realized that I was toxic in our relationship. I will not go into details, but, apparently, my childhood and environment had a strong influence on me, and when I grew up, I became like them.
    I started controlling my boyfriend’s every move, checking his texts and his feelings for me. He loved me and I loved him. But my love was sick. We broke up, and it was the best decision we could have made at the time.
    2 years of psychotherapy, 2 years of my loneliness, 2 years of changing my mind. And we got back together. We have now been married for 3 years, and my love is no longer sick. We are finally happy together, our relationship is finally healthy, and I am so grateful to my husband for his patience. © Not everyone will understand / VK
  • A couple of years ago, I was a kindergarten teacher. I was young and inexperienced. It seemed to me that I was behind in the program, that the children and I were not getting through the alphabet in time, and a lot of other things. Basically, I was convinced I was failing.
    So last weekend, I went to an event where parents of our preschoolers were gathered. One mum had a baby in her arms, and she came over to say hello. And it turns out this little girl’s name is the same as mine!
    And I have a very rare name, I have never met a person with the same name in my whole life. The mother told me that her eldest son was in my group and insisted that his little sister be named after me! I almost burst into tears right there. © reaganh8r / Reddit
  • I was about 4 years old, we had just moved into a country house. All the neighbors had their own vegetable gardens, animals. Once I came home happy and said, “Mum, did you see chickens in the cage at our neighbors? I did a good thing, I let them out!” My mum ran to catch them, but since then I’ve been remembered as a very kind girl. © RuddyPanda / ADME
  • I have been dating a guy for 6 weeks. Yesterday, we got under the rain and ran into the nearest shop, which turned out to be a bridal salon. I decided to try on a wedding dress, as there was nothing to do. The guy saw me in it, cried and proposed. I didn’t think it could be like that. © Overheard / Ideer
  • In the 4th grade we gave teachers flowers, and I had a huge, expensive bouquet. But it seemed to me that all teachers were cruel and unfair. So I gave the bouquet to the one who really deserved it — the cleaning lady. The next year, she disappeared.
    And then 9 years later, a friend told me that she was his neighbor, that she was so happy because of my flowers that decided to leave the school and opened her own business. He said that I gave her hope. © umorist / Pikabu
  • A few years ago, I was standing in the subway, waiting for a friend. I saw a man with a plastic box from a small cake, and there was a tiny kitten in it... It was meowing, shaking! I looked at the man, he was so untidy, and realized that the kitten would have an unenviable fate if no one took it.
    I decided to take it back to my place, tidy it up and find a home for it as soon as it gets stronger. The kitten couldn’t even lap from a bowl, it was just a baby... And? The cat is with me now, we moved to London together! © Overheard / Ideer
  • A coworker was dating a guy for 7 years. For 4 years out of 7, they planned to get married, but they couldn’t set a date. It was either witnesses couldn’t make it, or they were travelling on business.
    Once, they set a date, but had to cancel 4 days before the event because her mom got sick. Then they lost their nerve and got married during his next business trip. Our boss, who was fed up with her anxiety, bought her a plane ticket himself. © Overheard / Ideer
  • 22 years ago, I gave my hairdresser a silver coin which I bought at a bank for her birthday with the words, “I wish you to open your own beauty parlor, as your hands are golden. You will succeed. You will earn a lot of money with your skills. And this is the first installment.”
    She still cuts my hair in her own salon. And that coin hangs on the wall of her salon in a frame. © 1881ru / Pikabu
  • I was travelling in a bus. At a stop, a girl about 7 years old climbed in. She gave the driver a bag with the words, “Eat, Daddy. Mum and I cooked it for you. I love you.” The girl ran away, and the driver felt shy and started hiding his face. © alexandroM / Pikabu
  • My parents and I are separated by 4,000 miles. I see them once, sometimes twice a year. I work, sometimes I help them.
    Yesterday I got a call from my mum saying, “Son, go to the post office and pick up a parcel.” “Mum, why are you wasting money, I have everything?” So I go, receive it and thank my parents. Then I go on business.
    I return home tired, enter the kitchen and see candy from my mum. I was so excited. I stood there, looking at them. Candy from my mum.
    God, how nice it is, how much tenderness and warmth is in it. I made some tea and sat down to eat it, this precious candy. I am happy, thanks to all mums for their warmth. © Albushomo / Pikabu
  • I was travelling this summer on a bus that stopped in different villages on the way. I was sitting in the front near the exit. Then a thin and elderly man came up to the exit. There’s a kitten squeaking inside his jacket. The man is a bit embarrassed, because the little fluffy one keeps trying to get out.
    Anyway, we got to the bus stop, the man got out, and he was met by a woman, also of age. She looked at the man, smiled, even kissed him, happy about the kitten. And they, happy, went by the hand to their village. Some people know how to appreciate what they have. © Unknown author / Pikabu
  • I met a guy. On the first date, he didn’t bring me flowers, but had a big backpack. Okay, I guess we all have our little quirks. So we’re out and about, he walks me home. As we approached, he said shyly, “I’ve got a present for you.” And suddenly he pulls out a bag full of books about the Land of Oz out of his backpack.
    It turns out that I once mentioned to him while we were still chatting online that I have always dreamed of the whole series of these books, but never got a chance to buy them. He remembered it and had been carrying all 14 books on his back all this time. Yes, it was love at first sight! © Chamber 6 / VK
  • I went to the grocery shop in the evening, took the dog with me because she hadn’t been outside that day yet. Got there, I tied her to the bars and left. While I was in the shop, it started pouring, so I tried to make it quick!
    I paid for my purchases, ran to the dog and saw a girl standing next to my dog holding an umbrella over her... She smiled at me, asked if we needed an umbrella to walk us home, I said I had my own and thanked her. I remember this incident and for some reason I want to cry, I don’t know why. © Chamber 6 / VK
  • My mother-in-law and I always seemed to get along. So before my birthday, I told her I wanted a perfume for a gift. And she gave me a waffle maker instead! I was shocked.
    So 2 days later, I decided to make waffles. I opened my present, and there was money inside and a note, “I’m sorry, my husband made me buy this damn waffle maker. Give it to Sam (my husband), let him make waffles, you shouldn’t spoil your manicure. And this is the money for your perfume and lipstick. Love, kisses.”
    That’s how nice and cool my mother-in-law is! © Chamber 6 / VK
  • I was walking from work exhausted. Near the entrance, I met a boy living next door who was making a snowman from the recently fallen snow. I watched this for a little while, even smiled, then he noticed me and came up. He said, “Miss, would you like to see a star?” I said I do.
    He suddenly fell into the snow and made a star with his arms and legs! He got up, smiled, and said, “Here’s a star for you!” And it felt so warm, nice and cozy at once! It was the first time someone dedicated a star to me. And it was done not by the man I loved, but by a simple neighborhood boy. © Chamber 6 / VK

And here are some more kind stories for you.

Preview photo credit SITUATION / VK


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