Dating is always exciting. We carefully prepare, think through every detail, build the perfect scenario in our mind, but life likes to surprise us. Sometimes even the most well-prepared date can go wrong, turning into a series of ridiculous, funny, or even absurd situations.
I met a guy online. He was a very pleasant and well-read young man. We decided to meet and just to walk around the city, but I didn't mind. After a couple of hours, the guy suggested going to a famous fast-food restaurant. As it turned out, he just wanted to go to the toilet. While I was waiting for him, I took us some ice cream, as the weather was quite hot. My companion accepted the treat with gratitude, but in the process of eating, he managed to smear it all over his clothes. And all would be nothing, but for the rest of our walk he was telling me off for the fact that I bought him this ice cream, and because of me he got dirty. I left very quickly, but I felt weird long after that date.
I was invited on a date to have coffee and cake at a coffee shop. While we were having quite a nice conversation, they brought us our order. I chose black coffee for myself, and it is often served very hot. I tried to take a sip, but of course I couldn't. I casually said that the coffee was very hot, implying that I would wait until it cooled down. So, this guy called the waitress over, started shouting at her for the coffee being too hot, demanding ice, water or anything else to cool it down. I was shocked, told the girl not to listen to him and not to take it to heart. After I explained to this "gentleman" why I don't want to meet him again, I learnt many new things about myself.