18 Girls That Have Mastered the Art of Makeup

Girls stuff
3 years ago

Many girls never publish their own photos online without filters. They try to make their skin tone even, and they want their look to be very bright. But really good makeup can help achieve the same effect.

This Bright Side compilation will show you girls who’ve found their perfect makeup solutions.

1. “The power of makeup”

2. “Makeup takes away my nervous energy and brings about a confidence in me.”

3. “Soft glam look”

4. “Tried doing formal makeup for my graduation pictorial, I think I did a good job for my first time.”

5. “Trial run for my photoshoot makeup”

6. “My everyday look”

7. “The makeup I wore for my Zoom dissertation defense”

8. No makeup makeup!

9. “A night shifter’s 10-minute no-makeup makeup look!”

10. Getting ready for a birthday.

11. Everyday makeup

12. “Wow, I love makeup”

13. Really natural makeup

14. “The power of concealer”

15. This is really subtle makeup.

16. “When people tell me ‘I love how natural you look, so nice to see someone who doesn’t wear loads of makeup.’”

17. “My mauve and pinky natural-ish makeup look”

18. “After 12 years of wearing makeup, I think I finally found my red.”

Whose makeup did you like the best? Maybe you have your own recommendations?

Preview photo credit grumpy_kitten00 / Reddit


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After putting on makeup the 3rd girl looks like Kirby Anders (Madison Brown) From the Netflix series Dynasty


make up? I don't use it cause once I used make up and couldn't remove it and also, my parents wouldn't approve of using make up at a young age


amazing works. I'm totally handless when it comes to makeup 😨


same here. All I can do it to put some lip balm on my lips and some mascara on my lashes


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