18 Times Celebrities Impressed Us With Their New Teeth

2 years ago

We see celebrities on red carpets, in movies and music videos, and on magazine covers, and in most cases, they wear dazzling smiles. Hollywood stars are often criticized for not being perfect, and straightening or whitening your teeth can significantly increase self-confidence. Take a peek into the past and see how they looked with their natural smile.

1. Jennifer Garner

2. Morgan Freeman

3. Victoria Beckham

4. Meghan Markle

5. Christina Aguilera

6. Dakota Johnson

7. Millie Bobby Brown

8. Ben Affleck

9. Kristen Stewart

10. Katie Holmes

11. Matthew Perry

12. Madonna

13. Cher

14. Arnold Schwarzenegger

15. Scarlett Johansson

16. David Beckham

17. Kate Beckinsale

18. Zac Efron

Were you lucky enough to be born with perfect teeth, or would you like to change something about your smile?

Please note: This article was updated in July 2022 to correct source material and factual inaccuracies.


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