I’m sure they feel great with less hair. I wonder if these are summer cuts. Growing up our Keeshond got cuts for the summer and she loved it. Mom’s dogs look precious with their cuts too. My dog has shorthair so no heat relief cuts for her!
19 Dogs Whose Visit to the Groomer Turned Them Into Totally Different Pets
Humans aren’t the only ones who need to get their hair done from time to time — dogs need it too. A visit to a groomer is necessary, not only to get a cleaner, neater look, but also to give their humans another reason to smile. This is because sometimes, grooming transforms doggos so drastically, that owners have to verify if it’s the same lovely pet in front of them.
We at Bright Side grinned from ear to ear looking at every before and after grooming photo in this article and we hope that these dogs’ new looks will make your day too.
“Our 9-year-old Goldendoodle freaked our other dog out after coming home from the groomer until he smelled her and was like, ’Oooh it’s just you!’”
A groomed Yorkie is a confused Yorkie!
“Snoopy, the newest love of my life”
“Took doggo to the groomer. Got a different doggo back.”
Aren’t these 2 different dogs?
After grooming, this dog started to look like a fashionista.
“Do you like my new look, dude?”
New haircut, same pose!
From curly sweetie to looking like a stuffed toy
From a rock star fan to an elegant doggy
“We found adorable Coco under a whole lot of hair! She really needed her essential grooming.”
“Hey, I can’t see anything!”
*after grooming*
“Oh, is this how you look, my human!?”
Holy cow! Such a transformation!
Is this the same dog?
“Millie after her ’spring clean’”
“Sadie definitely looks younger now.”
This doggo is ready for their job interview.
“This doggie left a toxic relationship, got a new wardrobe, cleaned up his resume, landed a job, and is ready to take on the world.”
From being Chewbacca to becoming a dog again!
When was the last time you took your dog to the groomer? Please show us their new looks in the comments!
Some of these dogs are not supposed to be shaved not a good groomer
It's crazy how much a hair due can change a dog!
I don't understand why some owners just don't take their dogs to the hairdresser...

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