According to a study, dogs can actually increase “love” hormones whenever they bond with us. They make us feel calm and safe. This article proves that animals’ love for people can be infinite, and we’re ready to give them all the treats in the world.
Here at Bright Side, we’ve found pics of our fluffy friends that love us more than anything. We hope it makes you want to give them a snuggle.
1. “Just rescued my baby girl from being put down a month ago!”
2. “I think my cat is in love with me.”
3. “I’m starting to wonder if my dog thinks my baby is actually her baby.”
4. “These best friends are my babies.”
5. “She sleeps sweetly and feels the beat of my heart.”
6. “I sing to her in the morning before I leave for work.”
7. “This is my blind stepdad’s guide dog, Axel. This was him on the train hugging my stepdad’s foot.”
8. “I was chosen by a stray kitten.”
9. “Meet Ellie, she’s currently in a state of bliss.”
10. “Tried to get a guard dog, but now I only speak to her in baby talk.”
11. “He fell asleep on my head during a long meeting.”
12. “This is what happens every time I go to the bathroom.”
13. “This was his reaction 10 minutes after I adopted him.”
14. “My dad’s good boy asking for more loving”
15. “Lewis fell asleep on the lap of a volunteer at The Gentle Barn Sanctuary.”
16. “Meet my best bud, Indy!”
17. “This kangaroo loves her snuggles!”
18. “My dog’s most favorite person in the world is my grandma.”
19. “She’s so sweet and gentle.”
20. “I was playing some games on my PC when he jumped on me and slid into my hoodie before taking a nap.”
Which of these photos gave you an uncontrollable urge to boop them? How much do you think animals admire us, humans?