Business cards first appeared sometime around the 15th century in China and contained only information about their owner. Today, business cards have turned into somewhat of an artform and there are even contests devoted to these small sheets of paper.
Bright Side has decided to find 20 examples of bright and creative business cards that customers will never forget.
Working out with a personal trainer
In case you open a yogurt and don’t have a spoon:
To see this steak house’s contact details, you have to grill their business card.
For makeup artists, your face is a canvas.
Professional makeup changes people.
This bakery’s business cards are tasty.
This designer’s soft business cards
Your home is all that matters.
A writer’s business cards
For those who lose their hair, not their sense of humor
The most important plumbing tool
So you don’t have to explain what haircut you want:
These cotton pads turn into an ad.
A business card that looks tasty
Pilates will make you flexible.
Do you have any interesting business cards to share with us?