20 Childhood Photos That Can Bring a Smile to Your Face

9 hours ago

Some photos from our family albums can be so embarrassing that you can show them only to your immediate family. But there are daredevils who are not afraid to laugh at themselves and share photos from their turbulent youth and childhood online.

“Preteen me was a very sad and angry soul, around 2010-2011.”

“It’s 2013, 14-year-old me liked Photoshop, fedoras, and space.”

“My college rebel phase was to be the opposite of my hippy dippy parents.”

“I was 14, and I was about as insufferable as I looked.”

“The year was 1998... I signed all my school papers ‘Mrs. DiCaprio’ and not an inch of wall space in my room was free of his face.”

“Mom asked me to model for a ‘moody’ photo shoot. Peak 7th grade me.”

“My parents made a SpongeBob costume for me out of an old TV box (2001).”

“My dear Grandpa showed these to my fiancé the night before our holy matrimony.”

“Looking back to my iconic fashion choices”

“I was blessed (cursed?) with a mom who believed in creative freedom for her kids. And if you’re asking yourself, ‘Is that a tie, and a necklace?’ the answer is yes.”

“My fiancée and her mom”

“This is how I smiled because I had no top teeth.”

“The picture of myself that I always hated most growing up is also the funniest one ever taken. I’ve decided to embrace the blunder by painting it and immortalizing it as the true work of art that it is.”

“Parents didn’t care what I wore as a kid on weekends (weekdays I was saved by the school uniform).”

“Glamor shots anyone? 1998”

“In 1994, I was pretty convinced I was rocking a real mustache.”

“Around the age of 8 (2013), I briefly turned into an acorn with a face.”

“My first ever school picture. I’m told it made my mother cry.”

“My dad should have been arrested for making us hike our pants up like this.”

“Yes, that is my real head. No, this photo was not edited. The hairstyle is not helping me at all.”

Here I am now:

And these people decided to recreate their childhood photos. Look what they got. It’s hilarious.


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