20 Coincidences That Can Become a Plot for a Bestseller

5 months ago

Life can be full of funny and curious coincidences that are really hard to believe in. As a rule, they are simple accidents, but sometimes, like in the bonus story, there is more than just a coincidence behind them.

"This random butterfly matched my wife's eye makeup today."

"I bought this book at the thrift store yesterday. Flipping through it I saw this image and realized I have the exact same mirror!"

"My son was playing with bubbles and my wife managed to catch this really cool picture."

"About 1.5 years ago, we bought a mug at a charity fair. And about 3 weeks ago, this miracle came to live with us."

When your cat is a stylist:

  • Once my cat stole my blouse and chewed off the sleeve ties. I scolded him. The next day he stole it again and chewed off a piece of the sleeve. I scolded him again and said, "How many times is this going to happen, will you ever stop?" And suddenly he confidently shook his head.
    I was a bit taken aback. I asked again, "Will it ever stop?" And he shook his head again. I didn't even want to scold him anymore. But he hasn't chewed anything else after that. © Hildur / ADME

"The wall of this shop matches almost perfectly with the sky."

"Scared my roommate tonight when he walked into my room to ask what I was reading."

"My girlfriend met a person at the bar with the inverse of her tattoo."

"If I'm not matching outfits with my besties in retirement, then I don't want to live."

Whether it's the coincidence of the century or the nurses had a lot of fun assigning patients to wards.

  • In 1990, I was in the maternity hospital, and there were 4 pregnant women in the ward. One of the women's name was Lara, like mine. Soon one of the women was discharged and a new woman, also Lara, joined us. So, there were 3 Laras now and Samantha...
    And then Samantha was discharged... A new young woman came instead of her. And I asked her, "Is your name Lara, by any chance?" She, perplexed, nodded. We were rolling on the floor laughing. © Lara Lubchuk

"This shade of nail polish matched the cherry color. I ordered 3 more bottles at once."

Your nails color/nail shape are more unless unpredictable nails fashion wear for 2025 and burgundy color. 🍎😋💃

Comment with image on Bright Side

"This picture isn't edited. It was the product of perfect timing with the lightning."

"The package I ordered fits my house perfectly."

"I am absolutely in love with the print on this skirt. It matches so well with the pins on my blouse."

And this girl, on the other hand, had a fashion failure.

  • It was in the early 90s. My mum made me a suit out of burgundy artificial leather - a narrow skirt and a jacket. It looked very stylish until the moment I entered a city bus that had the seats made from the identical material. © Galina Biroun

"Bought shoes today, and they magically tie everything together."

When a girl knows a thing or two about adventures:

  • I met a guy at a club who was about 10 years older than me. We started dating. 6 months into our relationship, he decided to introduce me to his son. I thought it would be a boy of about 7.
    You can imagine how shocked I was when I came to the meeting and saw my ex. Turned out I was dating his dad. We both freaked out, but everything went well. Eventually, I married my ex's dad. I knew it was a small world, but I never thought it was that small. © Caramel / VK

"My girlfriend and I bought each other the exact same present. I've never laughed so hard in my life."

Same people everywhere.

  • My friend went on holiday to Thailand with his family. They went to dinner in the hotel they lived in and found his neighbor sitting at the table. But he got really flabbergasted when he entered the elevator the day before their flying back home and met the guy who usually repaired his car. © Abraham.Simpson / Pikabu

"This sticker that my wife claims looks just like me."


  • Once at a party my friend came across a girl who had the same accessories as her - the same handbag, bracelets, phone. They laughed at this coincidence and found out that both received these accessories from their boyfriends. They laughed again and showed each other their boyfriends, who turned out to be the same dude. The guy had been dating my friend for 3 years, and the other girl for a year, and he just bought the same presents to them. © Caramel / VK

And here's another bunch of amazing coincidences that seem to be predetermined by fate itself.

Preview photo credit Caramel / VK


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