20+ People Who Manage to Keep Their Relationship Everlasting

Big love may seem like something that only happens in the movies, but these people appear to have found the secret to a happy marriage. We don’t need rose-colored glasses to see just how in love and strong these couples are, despite the hardships many of them have been through. And the crazy thing is, our romantic soulmate might have been by our side the whole time as a close friend who becomes much more.

1. “40 years later and my dad still has the exact same hair!”

2. “My wife and I at our prom (2003) vs at our wedding (2020)”

3. “Next month will be my parents’ 36th anniversary. They’ve been an incredible example of how marriage should be.”

4. “My husband and I grew up with a lot of family problems, neglect, and heartbreak.”

5. “After 4 hip surgeries spanning the first 10 years of our marriage, my wife has been able to join in on my hikes.”

“I did not know that could make me so happy.”

6. “I had the honor of marrying my best friend and wanted to share.”

7. “My parents. Married for more than 50 years!”

8. “On the 6th of June, my best friend and I finally had our commitment ceremony after having to wait an extra year.”

9. “Me and my then GF, now wife, 8 years apart. The first year of our relationship and the day of marriage.”

10. “My parents in High School (1970) and now. They’ve been together since 8th grade.”

11. “My girlfriend, now wife, and I at 6, and 26. Bonus addition: our 9-week-old baby girl.”

12. “My wife, going back to the country where she was born, for the first time since she was 8”

13. “20 years together since 8th grade! Then and now...”

14. “Didn’t really like my picture, but my wife and I are so truly happy I just needed to share it.”

15. “After 2 years of long-distance, I can finally call this guy my husband!”

16. “I had never been on a vacation. This month, my husband and I took our kids on our first vacation to the ocean.”

“It was the best 5 days ever!”

17. “I’ll be 7 years sober in a month. Tomorrow, my wife and I celebrate 12 years of marriage.”

“I thank my lucky stars that she stuck by me.”

18. “My grandparents now (2018) and then (1970s), still just as cute”

19. “The moment I saw my beautiful wife in her wedding dress. She took my breath away.”

20. “This picture of my aunt and her wife getting married in 1992 makes me so happy.”

“My entire family attended. They were before their time.”

21. “My parents have been married for more than 48 years.”

Preview photo credit clark5749 / Reddit


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