20+ People Who Showed How Magical Cleaning Can Be

2 years ago

It’s not easy to go cold turkey and remove all of the mess in your home. Everyone has their own idea and position on this situation when it comes to doing house chores: some dedicate 1 day a week for this activity, while others do it on an everyday basis, bit by bit. But then there is a third group that finds it hard to start doing anything at all and keeps postponing housework week after week.

We at Bright Side are well aware of this type of situation, and that’s why we were so impressed with the photos that the characters of today’s compilation provided us with. They put forth a huge effort to make their homes warm, cozy nests again.

“It took me hours, and I cried when I was done.”

“I cleaned my way out of my depression nest so I could start the new year on a better (and cleaner) note.”

This room has become unrecognizable.

“Turns out living alone is more difficult than I thought, but I’m finally catching up with the mess.”

“I took an extra day off from work to deep clean my entire house. It was so, so bad.”

“I let depression kick me down again. This took a lot of energy, but I can feel the fog starting to lift.”

“My desk was a catch-all. Now I actually have space to work and craft.”

“I finally cleaned my kitchen! This is after months of neglect and battling depression.”

“This is why grouping is so important. When you keep things disorganized and scattered, you forget what you own!”

“Doing the dishes is a task for tomorrow at this point.”

“I can’t believe I let my room get this bad. This took me 4 hours, and I don’t know how I did it, but I did.”

“Still waiting to get a curtain rail hung though!”

“Flipped the switch and cleaned my mom’s bedroom!”

“It will be messy again in 2 weeks, but I really tried.”

“My room actually feels like a peaceful sanctuary now instead of a chaotic mess.”

“3 loads of laundry later...”

“I finally cleaned the playroom...”

  • I saw this and said, “Jesus Christ!” out loud, haha. Props to you for smashing this! © ****gg / Reddit

“Cleaned my desk.”

“Cleaning always takes a lot of motivation, but I’m glad I did it!”

“I cleaned the microwave in my academic office. It hadn’t been touched in 2 years.”

“My kids DESTROYED this room. The queen mattress was cleaned too! Chalk isn’t allowed in my house anymore.”

“I deep cleaned and redecorated my bathroom today!”

“My boyfriend said the kitchen was clean in the before photo...”

“Cleaned my depression room after months”

Do you like to clean your house? Have you ever taken “before and after” photos like these? If you have, please share them with us in the comments!

Preview photo credit BeesEverywhere1 / Reddit


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I have a feeling I want to get up and clean up my room, URGENTLY


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