20+ People Who Weren’t Worried About Celebrating But Ended Up Having a Great Time Anyway

3 years ago

Sometimes on a wedding day or during a birthday party, you just want to scream at the top of your lungs and have as much fun as possible. But sometimes you just want to enjoy the celebration alone or with your close friends without any special festivities.

At Bright Side, we love to watch how Internet users celebrate their special events in peace and quiet, and we’d like to show you their photos. They ought to serve as good inspiration if you don’t know what to do during your next birthday.

’’I told my sister that I would wear a matching dress to her graduation if she graduated with honors.’’

“Me: ’So, I’m doing a photo shoot today. It’s hot outside. Should I wear shorts? No, it’s a wedding, I have to look decent.’ Meanwhile, this was the groom...”

“I’m spending my twenty-first birthday with my 2 best old boys.”

“Got married yesterday. Hardly had time to eat, so I was brought food during pictures.”

“Today’s my birthday. When the clock hit midnight, the security guy who I barely know and was the only other person on site turned the corner and surprised me with this.”

“We threw our attire in our backpacks and hiked 10 miles up 3,800 feet of vertical land with our officiant to get married at the top of Mount Lafayette in New Hampshire!”

“My dad married us in his backyard with my siblings still in their pajamas.”

“It’s my birthday today and I got to celebrate with my best friend.”

“My uncle was our wedding witness with only a few hours’ notice.”

“We celebrated my wife’s birthday under a birthday blanket fort at home.”

“I asked my dad what he wanted to do for his birthday, so we spent it cutting, splitting, and stacking this wood. He’s 71.”

“I was camping in Death Valley for my birthday and painted the night sky!”

“We got married. I just wanted a lovely day, zero stress, and 9 of our friends.”

“I started a tradition 10 years ago where I watch the sunrise on my birthday.”

“Today is my birthday. My girlfriend and I were laid off weeks ago and money is tight. She made us party hats out of an old cereal box and some ribbon.”

“It’s my birthday today and I painted my nails green! And I had the best lunch alone! I am 35 and rediscovering life.”

“After a really tough year, my best friend took me to the Harry Potter Tour for my birthday so I could end the year on a high note, visiting my favorite place.”

“Today I turned 30 and had the best birthday imaginable!”

“I hosted a small party for friends and family, bought a party dress and accessories, and felt beautiful for the first time in ages.”

“I married my best friend and partner last night in an impromptu wedding.”

“I’m at a small amusement park in the mountains for my thirty-ninth birthday with my parents.”

"My grandpa skiing on his 91st birthday.’’

How do you celebrate family events? Do you hold loud parties or just meet up with your closest friends? Tell us in the comments below.

Please note: This article was updated in March 2022 to correct source material and factual inaccuracies.
Preview photo credit ChampWould / Reddit


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hahah I can see my dad in that last one, he would also fight with his friends to hold the kite 😂


I'm almost 25 but I would love to go to an amusement park for my birthday 😂😂


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