20 Photos That Prove Nature Has the Strongest Willpower

4 years ago

Nature is powerful, resilient, and it never gives up. It overcomes all obstacles and always finds a way. Nature sets the best examples for us to follow and demonstrates that everything is possible when you try hard enough.

Bright Side selected 20 images showing that nature is a brilliant overachiever and a fighter with the strongest willpower.

1. This tree decided to survive no matter what.

2. A tree regrows after the bushfires in Australia.

3. This little warrior lives by its own rules.

4. No limitations could stop this tomato from growing.

5. “Steady, peaceful, graceful strength against adversity”

6. When everyone thinks you are done:

7. You can find opportunity anywhere.

8. Home is where you make it.

9. You can conquer whole cities when you are persistent.

10. So strong and beautiful

11. How to accomplish the impossible:

12. No soil? No problem!

13. “My girlfriend got me this lotion bar from LUSH which I think has coffee beans in it. Somehow it planted and grew in my drain.”

14. These roots are stronger than rocks.

15. “Potatoes after a 3-month absence”

16. Nature can thrive in any environment.

17. Nature does not ask permission to take back what’s hers.

18. “Found 2 baby plants growing inside an old bullet in my yard.”

19. These poppies will do anything to be closer to the sun.

20. Finding innovative solutions

Which of these pictures do you find the most impressive? Do you have your own examples of nature’s willpower? Please share your photos in the comments.

Preview photo credit lawks/reddit


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