20 Women Who Dared to Do a Full Makeover and Became Unrecognizable

Girls stuff
4 years ago

We are all different, but we are united by one thing — a desire to look perfect. Oksana Trunova, a makeup artist and the mastermind behind the Blind Makeover project, and Olga Tarasova, a hairdresser, know how to transform people’s looks. This is why women from everywhere in Russia turn to them for help. The results of the makeovers are stunning.

At Bright Side, we were stunned by the results, and we want to show you a few interesting examples. The stylists shared some of their work with us, and a short back story about each participant.


Yulia came for a Blind Makeover from Obninsk. She is a lawyer, a mother of 2 children, and just a beautiful woman.


Irina came to us from Moscow. We wanted to emphasize the beauty of her eyes and make her image modern and stylish.


This is Ekaterina. We first met 4 years ago. Ekaterina won a contest we had for a makeover and a photo shoot. She had been watching our project for years and finally dared to take part in it. She came and said, “I want to be bright and modern.” We wanted to keep her natural curls and emphasize her bright beauty without too much makeup.


Olga decided to do this for herself as a birthday present. She is in good shape, stylish, and fashionable. She wanted to see herself in a different light and try new makeup, of course. After talking with Olga, we realized that her new image should be bold and modern.


Ludmila received a Blind Makeover as a present from her daughter Nadezhda who just wanted to cheer her mom up. Ludmila enjoyed the process and the adrenaline rush.


Olga received a Blind Makeover for her 18th birthday from her mother. When Olga’s hair became shorter, she exhaled and said, “Hooray!”


Polina lives and works in Moscow, she is a designer. She is creative, stylish, and very funny. That is why we wanted to make her image bright and creative.


Valentina received an invitation to be part of Blind Makeover as a present from her children. She is very shy and fragile. We wanted to make her image brighter and more luxurious.


Ekaterina lives and works in Tula. She is a mother of 4 children. She went through a Blind Makeover 2 years ago, and decided she wanted to experience the adrenaline rush all over again.


Marina came to us at Blind Makeover thanks to her children. We wanted to emphasize her femininity, loveliness, and individuality.


Elena gave herself a birthday present. She is a mother of 3 children and a very funny and positive person.


Svetlana came to us from Belyov. She is a mother of 2 children and currently on maternity leave. She was in search of new colors and emotions in her life.


Inna is an elementary school teacher. She came to us from Moscow for her birthday. It turned out that she is the aunt of the famous Russian stylist, Alexandr Rogov. We love her makeover.


If you zoom on to her eyes ypu will clearly see that here's are the same color inboth photos. Her eye makeup interacting with the seconpicgivestheillusion of a slight color change. Myowneyesoftenlook like a different color when I add mascara, eyeliner and eyeshadow. She looks great, regardless!!! Be positive


How did her eyes change from hazel to blue? You sure this is the same woman?


Olga is a pediatrician. She comes from a family of doctors and she is a mother of 3.


Galina is the mother of a bride but looks like a bride herself.


Alena had been growing out her hair for many years, and was afraid that we would cut her hair short. But we support well-groomed, long hair. Alena is not very tall, and her long hair made her look even shorter. Many women try to grow long hair for the sake of femininity and refinement. However, hair that grows longer than our shoulder blades doesn’t suit every girl, sometimes it even emphasizes her imperfections.


Diana came from Podolsk. She is the mother of 2 children, a military wife, and just a beautiful woman with charming dimples on her cheeks.


Olga came from Kirov. She is a businesswoman and a mother of 2 grown-up sons. It’s a pity we can’t say the age of our participants, you would have been surprised.


Elena received an invitation to do a Blind Makeover as a present from her daughter. She had had this hair color and cut for many years. We decided to make her image more eye-catching.


Alexandra had followed our project for a long time but never dared to take part in it. But one day she realized that she wanted a change.

Do you think a makeover can make you lose your unique image? Share your opinion in the comments below.

Preview photo credit oxanatrunovamakeup / Instagram


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Rogov's aunt and I have some resemblance, but I'm younger. She's gorgeous! How do I get to this project? I'd like to go through this experience, too


Number 1 already looked a lot younger so I was excited for the rest of the post and I was not let down! All of the people on this article look a lot better in the after photo!


It's crazy how much a women can change with a new haircut and some makeup


wish I could get a makeover. especially since I don't have any teeth anymore. this old man is to ugly anyways


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