This little girl and dog who let her kiss it, just made me smile so hard
Dogs are the kindest creatures on the planet
14 People Who Suddenly Attracted Good Luck, and It Was Unforgettable
The people featured in this article have never cared about their luck. But one day, a person found a wedding ring with diamonds in a bin and another received a letter from Hogwarts. Unbelievable luck!
“Stepped on this pin crossing the street yesterday.”
“My diamond ring has been missing since 2004 and turned up on a garden carrot.”
“This day belongs to me.”

“My friend’s cousin stayed home New Year’s night so he could spend it with his sister.”
“I consider myself the luckiest man on the face of the earth.”
“I was cleaning out my great grandmother’s home and just found this. Unbelievable.”
“Ordered a shirt for my kid for Christmas. It came a month late, but they sent me 20.”
“Bought some eggs. Look what I’ve got now!”
“I’m insanely jealous of my wife’s new working conditions.”
“We found 2 diamond rings wrapped in a shopping list in a display trash bin in IKEA.”
“My daughter was nervous around dogs, and then she met this guy. He let her love on him for 20 minutes and afterward, her fear was gone.”
“My friends met last week and just discovered their guitars were made one after the other.”
“Brought my little girl to her first rock concert today, the Trans-Siberian Orchestra. The band brought her on stage to bow at the end of the show with them, and gave her a signed guitar, pick, and setlist.”
“I own the key shown on the cover of this book.”
Are you a lucky person? Tell us about your luck in the comments!
I have a book "Beautiful bible stories", it hapened that while I was on a line at a street church free breakfast, something happened but later I noticed the book was missing. The strange thing is that the most simple labor I did allways have difficulties, until unsuspecting the next week I see the book on the street church table waiting to be giving free, When I saw him, a rare peace came inside me then slowly take mi lost book ,who have 1 dollar that someone gimme free the day before. From there the life is always as if something is taking care of the things ahead for better.
OMG I need that! ❤
I think I would set a bit upset if I found such a small seed in my avocado, I find it oddly satisfying to remove this seed with a knife.. idk guys, am I weird? :D

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