21 People Whose Friendships Ended Overnight for Silly Reasons

4 years ago

Finding out, after a few years, that the person you call a friend actually has a completely different view on things that you find important might be a legitimate reason to stop seeing each other as frequently as you used to. But suggesting to your so-called “friend” that they can buy toilet paper in just about any store that’s close to home, instead of going to the other side of town to get it, clearly isn’t a good reason to end a friendship. Well, it seems like not everyone would agree with this as you’ll see in our compilation. It turns out that someone opened a Reddit thread to share weird stories about people who stopped being friends for the worst reasons and one of them is what we just described above.

So Bright Side browsed through some of these stories and selected the best (actually the worst) reasons to stop being friends with someone. Yep, even if you don’t believe it, the stories below actually happened...






















What was the dumbest reason you had to argue with a friend? Do you think that, if these friendships were so easily broken, they weren’t really true friendships? Let us know in the comments!


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ex daughter-in-law & I had been BEST friends for more than 20 years. Her little girl called me grama and to her I was always mom. Loved them like they WERE mine...We lived together several times, and we knew more about each other than anyone else. They were here one time, her daughter & my granddaughter were jumping on my bed, and I told them to stop. But I thought she was still jumping, and I said, her name, Stop! Then I saw it was my granddaughter, so I told her to stop. And then I apologized to (her name) for telling her to stop. Her mom asked her if I apologized, and I thought she said yes, and I told dilaw that yes, I did apologize.
my d-i-l had done dishes, and I asked her if she would please wipe down the fronts of my cabinets, because she could reach them, and I need a step stool. Just very simple day! But she gathered their stuff together and she said they had to go..I thought it was odd the way they left so quick, but I figured she was tired or somethng, and they live 20 miles away. That was the last time I ever talked to her.(that was 5 years ago). I only saw them at my ex-hubby's funeral, but didn't say more than 5 words, but I DID want to talk to her daughter a minute...she didn't really remember much of me and my granddaughter, and we miss that girl so much. My granddaughter even blamed herself for not seeing the daughter. (My granddaughter was 5 at the time, and the daughter was 8) But my granddaughter would cry and cry, and was so sad and blaming herself for not seeing her friend. I tried to call my d-i-l, she never answered the phone.
Her son, my grandson, came over and I asked why his mom was so mad at me..he said he asked her, and she just said (She knows)...and no, I don't know!!! Asked grandson a few months later, and he said that I have to ask mom. I told him I tried, but that she won't talk to me! Like I said, it's been 5 years! And I am almost 69, and still have no idea!!! And it has really hurt all these years..I still love them so much...any suggestions?


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