Some people don’t believe in coincidences and the photos in this article may as well be proof. For example, a rainbow that appeared because of a reflection or a photo of 2 people who didn’t want their shadow to look like Sponge Bob are the kinds of things we’re talking about!
The Bright Side team is amazed by these photos of accidental moments and wants to share them with you.
The guy looks exactly like the woman’s laptop sticker.
“My sister took this photo of our coffees just as the table got knocked.”
People decided to meet secretly in Portland. They all wore a uniform.
How do you like this rainbow? The rays of the sun just went through the water tank.
This tree has no leaves except for the area lit by the streetlight.
This picture of a crow is interesting because it’s actually a cat!
When you can’t find your keynote on the laptop
The way the snow is resting on this handmade stone arch
This can of paint looks like a cat.
The driver who parked this car is a really lucky person.
When your friend has a quest for you
This looks like an iPhone even though it’s just water in the bathtub.
A dentist’s car in winter
“My girlfriend and I were walking in the woods the other week and saw a rainbow pool for the first time.”
Do you have any similar photos? Share them in the comment section below!