21 Photos Where There Are More Things Happening Than It Might Seem at First Glance
7 years ago
From time to time, each of us ends up taking unsuccessful photos, such as ones where we have half-closed eyes or a strange grimace. But even when we actually look great in the frame, there’s always the possibility that something strange and funny is happening in the background. And then the most trivial shot turns into a masterpiece.
Bright Side offers you the chance to look at a fresh selection of photos where the main action is not in the foreground at all.
This friendly stingray was eager to participate in the proposal.
This girl seems to be the happiest person in the world.
“My younger brother got married last weekend. I’m now the only unmarried sibling. I think the photographer was able to capture my awkward pain.”
“Someone please explain to me why my brother, who graduated in 2015, came to MY graduation dressed like this..”
There is one unexpected person in this photo.
It’s impossible to decide what’s the best part of this photo: the expression on the face of the drummer or a frankfurter that someone threw at the guitarist.
“We’ll talk about hairstyles later, first let’s talk about the guy on the bike.”
The character from “Monopoly” came to a hearing at the Senate.
Love is when your boyfriend holds your head so that you can drink lying down.
“Probably the weirdest photobomb ever.”
Share the ice cream with me!
How long will it take you to find the dog in the auditorium?
The girl’s just sunbathing...no, not the one in the foreground.
When it’s not only you who wants to take a selfie at the top of the mountain.
A celebrity of social media, the hippo Fiona, blessed the proposal.
Sorry, did I interrupt you?
Just a whale that decided to take part in the selfie.
The look of an older brother at the wedding of a younger sister speaks more than a thousand words.
“Halloween 1989. My sister is about to have a really bad day.”
“I’m a reporter, and I take a lot of soccer photos. This is my absolute favorite.”
“I was sailing on a boat with my family. I sat on the edge to take a beautiful photo against the background of the water, when suddenly two dolphins jumped out of it with their cub. It was the perfect moment for a photo.”
Have you ever taken a photo where the background is more important than the foreground? We would love to hear about them in the comments!
Preview photo credit baddiesfound/twitter
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