22 Bizarre Stories by People That Prove the Human Body Is One Huge Mystery

month ago

The human body is a complex thing. What's normal for someone maybe unheard of by another, which is why more research is needed to delve into the intricacies of rare conditions and disorders. Here go some Redditors whose bodies are unique.

“My vitiligo hair. The white hair contains no pigment.”

  • I can make a loud rumbling sound in my ears at will without moving any muscle in my face. I have no idea what this is called, but it kind of sounds like when you put your ear to a seashell at the beach… or a giant earthquake is happening. lesgetweirdd / Reddit
  • I’ve hiccuped every day since 2007. They aren’t constant all day long, but they happen every day. I’ve gone to some doctors, they ask if I can eat and breathe fine, I say yes, and that’s about it.
    The only thing that has helped a little is acupuncture! I don’t hiccup QUITE as much. After this long, I don’t mind it all that much. It’s a good icebreaker when I meet people. SoICanStillGetAJob / Reddit
  • Once in a while it feels like when I'm straightening my elbow, it's a little out of place and is going to crack something. I have to bend my elbow back in and “realign” it. richie412 / Reddit

“Adverse reaction to a new medication.”

  • When I look at the sun, I sneeze. It's useful when I need to sneeze, just run outside and look at the sun. Apparently it's an actual thing, and called Photic Sneeze Reflex. PM_ME_FURRIES / Reddit
  • I always hear music in my head. If I sit in a perfectly quiet room, I hear melodies. Everything has a rhythm to it — there is no such thing as white noise to me. It's hard to describe.
    The strange part is that I am not a musical person. I don't play, write, sing, etc. Unknown author / Reddit
  • I have severe hyperhidrosis and drip sweat from my hands and feet and armpits literally 24/7. Whether I’m hot, cold, nervous, not nervous, home, away. It doesn’t matter. I wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemy. Been in hell for 15 years. Unknown author / Reddit

“My eye is gradually losing its color.”

  • When I yawn, I get tears in both my eyes. Everyone asks me if I'm crying, and I have to explain every time I yawn. Flootahshy / Reddit
  • I can create a very intense “feeling” on command (and when I say on command, I mean instantly) throughout my entire body from my skull down to my toes that feels like an electrical current that washes down my body. I can hold this feeling for probably 10 seconds, but eventually have to let off the throttle, so-to-speak, because it becomes far too overwhelming. ianmk / Reddit
  • I was born with a disorder that makes crossover motion between both sides of my body more challenging. Riding a bike took me a year to master, for context. The hardest thing for me to do autopilot is stairs, though. If I don’t think about it, my body automatically goes one at a time with both feet rather than alternating. Aceofkings9 / Reddit

“I have a rare skin condition, allowing me to draw on my self (Dermatographia).”

  • You know those little pockets in the inner corners of your eyelid? One of mine sometimes fills up with air. It doesn't hurt or anything, but I can push on it and air comes out, and it makes a noise.
    When I let go, it fills back up so I can do it repeatedly. It amuses me, but apparently grosses other people out. It isn't doing it right now, but it happens often enough. captchynotapassword / Reddit
  • I can hear the high-pitched hum from TVs and other electronic devices. I learned a few years ago, not everyone can do that. Unknown author / Reddit
  • I only poop every 3–4 days on average. It's been like this regardless of dietary changes for my entire life. I've had it checked out. Nothing wrong with me, just… Don't poop often. Longest I went without pooping was 8 days at 12 years old was on a hunting trip, just never felt the need. RhysPrime / Reddit

“The very detailed imprint on my leg left by my hand while I was sleeping.”

  • Occasionally my hearing will “go out” and everything will go dull. And then a high-pitched frequency screeches for a few minutes. No one else hears it, and everything else seems really hushed while it's happening. goshily / Reddit
  • Feeling my heart beat in all different parts of my body without even touching to feel for it, however when I actually try to look for my heart beat I can't find it at all. Splittykitty / Reddit
  • I have 5 nipples. 3 on the right, 2 on the left. I call the unpaired one, Lonely Tim. The others do not get names, as they do not need them. They have each other. Richard_Conrad / Reddit

“My nails turned white 2 years ago. A dozen doctors, a hundred tests, and they’re all stumped.”

"There are so many causes, it can even be a genetic condition. Did you have any genetic testing done? Might want to test for Darier disease, Hailey-Hailey disease, or Bart-Pumphrey syndrome." -just-be-nice- / Reddit

  • I have neurological issues that make me have “phantom” feelings. For instance, the last two days I’ve had a burning sensation, like if I’d rested a hot soup bowl on my thigh, but there’s nothing there. It can feel like little bug bites, scratches, or streaky burns. It’s never severe, mostly just weird to feel a distinct sensation for no reason.
    Sometimes I’ll ask a family member to check for marks. The other day, I asked my mom if there was anything on my back. She was like, “Oh my goodness! There is! Looks like one of the cats got you!” And we were both so weirdly delighted I’d actually been mauled. AustinTreeLover / Reddit

Unusual body parts or conditions isn't something that's exclusive to humans. Case-in-point, Buster, a dog with vitiligo, whose rare condition transformed him into something unbelievable.

Preview photo credit AustinTreeLover / Reddit


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