23 Lucky People Who Stumbled Upon Real Diamonds in the Rough in Thrift Stores

3 years ago

A lot of the time, we love to buy new things, replace old stuff, and renew every object or garment we have at home. However, there are some people who prefer to turn to thrift stores and search among the things of the past for hidden or forgotten jewelry to give them a second life, a new purpose, and a new home.

Bright Side presents you with a selection of some of the best finds from these stores from people who are responsible for collecting things people no longer want that others are eagerly looking for.

1. “I collect old drinking glasses and came across this beautiful cabinet last week at a Salvation Army! It’s perfect.”

2. “My boyfriend found this vintage sofa on Facebook Marketplace for $100! We were the second party to inquire — luckily the first people never showed up to pick it up! We just finished fully cleaning it and re-stuffing the seat cushions. :)”

3. “Finally found the thrifted lamp of my dreams. My white whale!”

4. “One of my most cherished thrifts to date”

5. “Pics don’t even do this dress justice, a lovely local find!”

6. “Today’s garage sale find ✨”

7. “Found the most perfect tables for my living room!”

8. “99 cents for this antique silver lipstick container! I believe it’s Italian and possibly from the 1930s. It needs a serious cleaning, but I was in awe of this little piece of history. This was meant to be refilled.”

9. “This was the best $3 I’ve spent in a while, and a rare find for my 4-year-old. Full circle skirt, perfect cuffs and collar, complete with heart buttons! 💙”

10. “A rattan couch and mirror-top table for $30”

11. “Just found this beautiful Baldwin organ. It works perfectly, and I got it for only $170. My biggest thrift store haul of all time, I’ve wanted one forever!!”

12. “A beautiful blouse I got for $7.99!”

13. “My thrifted prom dress for $2.50! I also got my jewelry and tiara thrifted, full prom set for $7. The tiara was $2.50, and the bracelet, $1.98.”

14. “A 10k gold ring I found at the flea market today for $20. It has real diamonds and a great vintage, almost antique, setting (I borrowed my mother’s hand for the pic).”

15. “Found this super weird ceramic hand for $3 and decided to turn it into a weird but cute holder for my headset.”

16. “A 1970s Gunne Sax dress! A $10 find!”

17. “I got this rattan shelf at an estate sale and I still can’t believe it’s mine! Dream find!”

18. “Found this sweet Nintendo sign today.”

19. “Found this a while back in a charity shop for $10.”

20. “Curbside find”

21. “I bought a mini-float that fits my hamster.”

22. “Why I love garage sales: all unused from 1976”

23. “Scored this bear cub table from FB Marketplace, and I love him so much! Now our den is really a den.”

What secondhand items could you not resist buying the moment you saw them? What are the things you look for when visiting these types of stores?

Preview photo credit UrbanRelicHunter / Reddit


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