19 Incredible Things That Happened Right Before Our Eyes

8 months ago

More than 19 million people celebrate a birthday every day. Isn’t that amazing? We’re mired in our daily lives and don’t even realize how many astonishing things happen around us every day. And luckily for us, some people manage to capture these interesting moments and share them online to shake up our daily routines.

1. A flower would break under this butterfly.

2. An anatomical heart formed by a potato

3. A rainbow circle

4. A 4,000-year-old Sumerian dog’s paw prints on an inscription

5. UFO cloud

6. “This quartz line separating 2 parts of a rock”

7. The first petal

8. The best sail ever

9. Subway directs clients to the next door.

10. Perfect timing

11. Extra puzzle pieces

12. 2 thunderstorms

13. Nike logo scar

14. Try to find where the cat ends

15. A deer formation in a deer’s horn

16. A giraffe arranging a shower

17. “Forgot about a dirty sponge in an old sink that weeks later was trying to grow new life.”

18. A tree on a tree

19. A wall covered with keys

How often do you see amazing things in your life? Tell us about it in the comments.

Preview photo credit Jztak7 / Reddit, gap343 / Reddit


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