5+ People Who Realized That Divorce Was the Best Thing That Happened to Them

10 hours ago

Divorce is never simple—it’s chaotic, heartbreaking, and transformative. But for these five people, it marked the beginning of something unexpected. Their journeys, raw and deeply personal, unveil the hardships, revelations, and surprising twists that ultimately led them to a love they never imagined.

  • I’ve been divorced for years. One day, I got an invite from my ex’s family. We hadn’t spoken in 10 years, but I went out of respect. When I arrived, everyone stared at me and began whispering to each other. Even my ex!
    I was so confused when, suddenly, there was a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and almost fainted because it was my ex’s brother, Juan, who was also my childhood friend. I hadn’t seen him in 15 years because he’d been working overseas. We clicked right away and went on a few dates later on. Now, we’re happily engaged!
    Sometimes, I still wonder why they even invited me. When I asked Juan, he revealed, “Actually, we were set up. My mom wanted us to date.” He explained that after his wife passed away, his mom saw how devastated he was and thought the two of us might connect. So, she arranged the invitation.
    She convinced my fiancé with 2 reasons: First, she was deeply touched when I kept checking on her when she was seriously ill, even though I was no longer part of the family. Second, my marriage with her other son might not have worked out, but she believed Juan and I were both kind and compassionate and that we deserved a second chance at love. She was absolutely right. At 48, I finally feel like I’ve found my true soulmate. Life does have a funny way of bringing people together when you least expect it.
  • My ex and I got married very young. I was 15, and he was 17. We were together for 11 years and loved each other, but realized we weren’t letting each other grow up. Staying a teenager forever isn’t an option when you’ve got kids. It’s been five years, and we still care about each other. We’ve both moved on; he’s a great dad. He and his fiancee are my youngest son’s godparents, and they are having my goddaughter in January. ViralFirefly / Reddit
  • My first husband and I married pretty young after college. We were generally happy, but it seemed like our lives were moving in different directions (geographically and metaphysically). We split up. We dated other people: went through the motions, mechanically — loved other people, sure; but without the sense of destiny and certainty we had with one another.
    Finally, over a decade after breaking it off, we got back together and have never been happier. Now, we have the life experience to know that what we have is irreplaceably special. The stupid small things that seemed problematic back then, we now know to be non-issues. We’ve seen so many other couples fight and struggle for what we have naturally. We’re so, so lucky. throwitfaaaaaraway12 / Reddit
  • I met my girl when she was 12 and I was 14. Unfortunately, her parents moved away for work. We didn’t stay in touch, and life went on. She got married, had a son, got divorced. I did the same.
    Even though her last name was different, somehow Facebook suggested us as friends. She lived in Illinois near her family. I lived in Texas near my job. In 2020, on Facebook, I said I was going to Mexico for a vacation (as I always do).
    She had never been and was seeing someone who was using her as a maid and paycheck (her words), but she said, “I want to go”. So I said, “Sure”. I retired, and we’ve been together since Oct. 31, 2020. Wizzmer / Reddit
  • I went on a series of dates after my divorce. Some made for hilarious stories, but at the time, it wasn’t terribly funny. So I refocused and decided I was going to write a really good album, and I got a band together, and we wrote a... sort-of okay album. And then that band broke up, and I started another band, and then in that second band, the singer and I fell in love with each other. ASixClawBuzz / Reddit
  • I’ve found amazing love over 40. Don’t sell yourself short. The big thing that helped this was simply being myself 100%, not trying to present a “better” me while dating. What you see is what you get.
    I also dated around for a while until I found someone I clicked with. Not just diving into the first relationship that was open to me was a smart choice. markevens / Reddit
  • Same situation, age 56. Built the life I wanted as a happy, celibate single. Signed up on a free dating app. Wrote an honest but upbeat profile. Used crisp, pleasant, casual, very accurate photos. I right-swiped very carefully. Chatted very honestly with my matches while trying to match their energy. Met lots of sincere, nice people for coffee, drinks, museum dates, etc. Made a couple of good friends. Met my partner, who is someone better for me than I ever imagined possible when I was younger.
    I am now the happiest I have been in my life. It all went well. Unknown author / Reddit
  • It was kind of scary. I didn’t know whether I’d find someone to have a good relationship with. But I wasn’t going to just give up without trying. One day, I went to a social event for a hobby I enjoy. I went just to have some fun talking with others about the hobby. Just by luck, I met a woman there who needed help with something related to the hobby. I offered to help her (not with the intention of dating her but just because I like to help people). We’re now in a long-term relationship and have been living together for over 7 years, and we’re both happier than we were with our exes. Don’t let the fact that your ex didn’t see your value stop you from finding someone who does. Get out there and look. It might not be easy, and it might take a while, but when you find the right person, it’s definitely worth it! WoodsFinder / Reddit
  • It’s been about 8 months, but the marriage was dead long before that. Our divorce isn’t official because he thinks delaying the signing will delay his payments to me. He has been with the woman he started a relationship with before he even moved out this entire time. I, on the other hand, was sure I would never find anyone again. But then I started enjoying life again and doing stuff for myself. I’ve made a friend, and we’ve become quite close. We have not done anything relationship-wise or official as we are waiting for my divorce to finalize, but we have gotten to know each other very well and enjoy doing stuff as friends. We are both content to wait and not rush things. It’s been nice to have someone that wants to be around you and do stuff with you and not treat you like a bang maid. CraftyMamaX91/ Reddit
  • Started dating at 17 and got married way too young. By our 30s, we were completely different people. At 40, I asked myself, “Can I do this for the rest of my life?” and realized the answer was no. We both have new lives now, and eventually, each found a new partners and are much happier.
    I think the second time around, especially when you’re older, you know exactly what you want and what you are or aren’t willing to put up with. Unknown author / Reddit
  • My ex-husband started dating his stepmom, who has been in his life since he was 11 years old. He and his stepmom are still together almost 5 years later. His stepmom confessed her love for my ex to his dad a few years ago, and they have since divorced. The dad is now dating a 21-year-old. LiquidSummerHaze / Reddit

Finding love after a divorce can feel like a renaissance, but what happens when someone moves on too quickly? This story is exactly about that.

Preview photo credit Wizzmer / Reddit


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