7 Surprising Benefits of Ice You Didn’t Know About

Tips & tricks
10 months ago

They say "Your face is your fortune." You may not support this statement, but we’re sure you want to keep your skin healthy and radiant. We at Bright Side discovered a very simple method of ice therapy, and we hope you’ll enjoy its relaxing and therapeutic effect.

All you need for home cryotherapy is ice, ice, and more ice. You can also make green tea ice cubes, cucumber ice cubes, and so on.

# 1. Things you should know about cold therapies

  • Always use cold therapy on a clean face.
  • Wear gloves to hold ice cubes. This will protect your hands, especially if you’re planning to give yourself a long relaxing facial.
  • Don’t use ice directly without covering it with a soft cloth or a plastic bag when you massage your face.
  • You can use ice cubes directly to reduce acne or swelling around the eye.
  • To avoid skin burns, never apply ice packs to your body for more than 1 hour.
  • You can double the benefit and make ice cubes with cucumber, green tea, horsetail tea, or garlic.

# 2. Get smoother skin

Every evening or before going to bed, try this: wash your face, fill a plastic bag with ice, and gently massage your face and neck area for about 3 minutes. In a few days, you’ll get noticeable results: your skin will become fresh and smooth. Ice therapy also prevents wrinkles and helps you sleep better.

# 3. Get rid of acne

Ice therapy is one of the best ways to attack acne problems. Wash your face, wrap an ice cube in a clean soft cloth or a napkin, and gently press against the pimple for 3 to 5 minutes. The results will surprise you.

# 4. Reduce wrinkles

This simple method works like this: ice improves your blood circulation and prevents premature aging and wrinkles. You can massage your face for about a minute every day before applying makeup.

# 5. Fight open pores

Run an ice cube directly over your face for 2 or 3 minutes. If you’re consistent enough, you’ll notice your enlarged and open pores shrinking within a few days.

# 6. Get rid of puffy eyes

You cried all night long and woke up with puffy eyes? There are many reasons why your eyes can get swollen, but don’t worry. Ice to the rescue! Wrap 2 ice cubes in pieces of cloth, place them over closed eyes, and gently massage the most inflamed areas for 2 minutes, performing slow circular motions.

# 7. Combat belly fat

If you can’t afford a professional cryotherapy session, here’s what you can try to do at home. Place an ice pack on your belly for 15 minutes. Remove it for 3 minutes, and repeat for an hour (max). You can use ice packs with horsetail tea, green tea, coffee, and rosemary. The ice transforms white fat cells into brown fat cells that can be burned by the process of metabolism more easily and quickly. But remember: these tricks give the best results if combined with a healthy diet and regular exercise.


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You can also use an ice cube to relieve hemorrhoidal pain instantly. It works better and faster than any blood vessel constrictors (Preparation H) can.


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