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Ingrown hairs are just here to irritate us, as any woman or man who has experienced them can tell you. But what are they? They are hairs that, instead of growing outward, grow under the skin, which can cause many discomforts, like swelling and pain. Most commonly they appear in the beard area, in the armpits, or on the legs. Why do we have to deal with this? Because after removing hair, when it grows back, sometimes it doesn’t do it in the right way.
Bright Side brings you some easy tips to try to prevent these annoyingly rebellious hairs. However, remember that it is important to consult your doctor before taking any action.
It is advisable that you wash your skin with warm water, and if you are going to wax your face, use a facial cleanser. Then apply shaving cream or gel, as this will soften the hair and help prevent it from becoming ingrown. If you don’t have these products, a warm towel will also work.
Should I shave in the opposite direction of hair growth or the other way around? It’s a basic question, but how many times have we asked it? The reality is that if you shave against the grain, you will get better results. However, if your skin is sensitive, you can try shaving by following the direction of hair growth. This way you can avoid irritation.
Although it is super tempting, the first thing to avoid is to remove the ingrown hair with tweezers. If you do this, you can damage the healing process and even contribute to an infection. A harmless method is to place a warm towel or compress on the ingrown hair. This will help it come to the surface.
The best thing you can do if you have an ingrown hair is to not wax the area where it grew. You can try waxing again once it disappears. But if you see that this persists, always remember that the best option is to consult with your doctor.
Exfoliation brings a lot of benefits and helps keep the skin in good shape. One of the purposes of this procedure is to remove dead skin cells. They are the most common cause of ingrown hairs since they make it difficult for the hair to come to the surface.
We often hear that the skin needs to be stretched to achieve a closer shave. That is true. However, if your skin is sensitive or if you have a tendency to get ingrown hairs, it’s advisable to not do it. This way you will reduce the chances of their emergence.
By doing so you will ensure that you don’t have to deal with ingrown hairs. In many places in the world, some women choose not to shave and instead show their bodies naturally. Julia Roberts displayed her underarm hair on the red carpet, so if you want to do it, just try it!
Do you have any other advice for dealing with ingrown hairs? Tell us about it in the comments below.