8 Home Tips That Are So Easy, We Wish We’d Known About Them Earlier

Tips & tricks
3 years ago

study revealed that we spent almost a full day each month just to keep our houses clean. This is an amount of time that could be used on more pleasing activities, like having fun with your family, reading a book, or just relaxing. Fortunately, there are a lot of things you can do to make the cleaning process easier and faster, like investing in more efficient cleaning products and tools or searching for tricks on how to do certain things in a better way.

That’s why Bright Side decided to make this list of easy tips that you can use in your daily life to help you finish your tasks faster and spend more time doing what you enjoy.

1. Use slime to clean dirty surfaces.

Do you ever get dirt on an area that’s really difficult to access, making it almost impossible to clean? Our houses are filled with these tricky spots, but a simple solution for this is to get some slime and stick it on whatever needs cleaning. Because the slime is malleable, it will adjust to any surface, and its stickiness will help grab all the particles, making this a best friend to any hard-to-clean place.

2. A simple twist of the whisk

Because of all those tiny areas that are difficult to reach, we can have a hard time when washing a whisk. A solution to this is to twist the wires so you can use the sponge on all of them, and none of the grime will get stuck between them. This way, it will be easy and fast to clean.

3. Clean your garbage disposal with vinegar and baking soda.

Instead of using your money to buy expensive cleaning products for your garbage disposal, you can use something really cheap that you probably already have in your home: vinegar and baking soda. All you have to do is pour some baking soda on the drain, and then pour vinegar on top. This mixture will create a foam that will clean and deodorize your disposal, and the best part is it doesn’t run the risk of damaging your pipes.

4. Don’t make your bed the second you wake up.

The moment you wake up, your basic instinct is to make up your bed, keeping your bedroom organized. But the problem with this is that the moisture from your body is still on the sheets when you wake up, so when you make your bed, there is no time for them to dry, which is something that can attract dust mites. A simple solution to this is letting the bed “air out” before straightening it up so you have a clean and tidy bed.

5. Use house plants to freshen your air.

If your home has stuffy air, you may want to consider using some decorative plants, like English ivy, bamboo palms, corn plants, gerbera daisies, or Janet Craigs. That’s because all of them serve as natural air filters that can freshen up your air while making your house look nicer!

6. Use a hanger to store Christmas lights.

Have you ever gotten frustrated while checking on your Christmas lights from the past year, only to discover they were all broken? Well, don’t you worry anymore because we have a simple hack to solve this problem: all you have to do is get a hanger and carefully roll up your Christmas lights around it. This way, the lights will stay in the same position without getting damaged. You can also hang it anywhere since it doesn’t occupy much space.

7. Use rubber bands to stop your cutting board from sliding.

Have you ever tried to cut something but the cutting board kept sliding around on the table? A simple way to solve this problem is to wrap 2 rubber bands around the board so it can create friction to keep it in place. This way, you will be able to cut your vegetables or your meat without the risk of accidentally cutting your finger.

8. Sharpen your knives with glass.

If you want to sharpen your knives and your scissors but don’t have the proper tools, you can use something that you already have at home: glass. It can be a cup or a bowl — you just have to pass the object you want to sharpen through it, and the glass won’t even get damaged.

Are there any life hacks that you use in your daily life? If so, share them with us in the comments, we would love to read about them!

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