8 People Share Why They Won’t Let Certain Family Members Into Their Homes

Family & kids
10 months ago

In a revealing exploration of family dynamics, 8 individuals shed light on the crazy reasons behind their choice to keep relatives at arm’s length from their homes. From longstanding tensions to quirky habits, each story unveils a unique perspective on familial relationships and boundaries.

  • The OCD fiancé of my sister-in-law decided he was going to perform a dental cleaning and pedicure/grooming on my dog. He’s not a vet.
    He showed up unannounced while I was at work with nail trimmers and styptic pencil and dental tools. And was planning to work on the dog (70 pound golden retriever). My response was, «stay out of my house, and stay away from my dog». GotMyOrangeCrush / Reddit
  • My parents bought a horse and horse trailer from my aunt and uncle. We fixed the horse trailer, had the horse for roughly 4 years. Kept him healthy and fed. I rode him quite a bit as I was in 4H at the time and did western style riding.
    Then one day I get home from school and the horse and horse trailer are gone. Because we didn’t have a bill of sale, they came and took both, sold them the next day. 3colt3 / Reddit

Your parents should have presented them with a bill for the care & feeding of the horse.

  • I have 4 brothers and the third one, as an adult, would come for visits. With every visit, something would disappear from my home. Usually they were small things like a DVD or a screwdriver or a couple of dollars left out.
    This went on for years before I realized the disappearances happened only when he visited. I started to go out to meet him outside, and we visited on the porch. He stopped coming over when he asked why we didn’t go inside, so I told him. Christmas Carol / Quora
  • A guest came to stay for Thanksgiving, I had warned we had cats and dogs. They came anyway. They went to unpack in our guest bedroom. Half an hour later the husband came to me and said there was an issue.
    They had stripped the sheets off the beds and scrapped the mattress. Horror of horror, there was cat fur. I immediately said, «Oh my, you can’t stay here, perhaps you should go to a hotel.» They did. As they are relatives, we are civil, but they are not invited to stay anymore. Susan Macuna / Quora
  • My aunt hates animals, and she opened the door and said,"Go doggy," and let my dog out! He ran away, and I searched for him for hours!
    When I found him, you could tell he was lost and scared. He was running down the main road, and I was doing down a side street when I saw him. I yelled his name and he turned his head, saw me and sprinted at me. He was so happy to have found me! Tyisha Carty / Quora
  • When I was married to my 2nd wife, my now ex-mother-in-law would come by the house on a regular basis. Often when she would leave, my then wife would be very emotionally upset and almost always crying. Her mother would come over and basically either tell her that she was raising her daughter wrong, or would tell her she needed to do this or that with her. It wasn’t that she would on purpose belittle my wife, but it still upset her greatly.
    One day, I had finally had as much of it as I could handle. She had left, and my wife cried for almost 2 days between being mad and her mom making her feel like a bad mother. A few days later, her mother came back by the house. I flat out told her what was going on, and the fact that I wasn’t going to put up with it any longer. I told the mother-in-law that from that point until I saw a change, she was no longer allowed in the house. Brandon Houck / Quora
  • While I was trying to get ready for my husband’s funeral, my stepdaughter-in-law came in my room asking me to give my stepson my husband’s 90k truck that was our business truck. I told her absolutely NOT! She rubbed my shoulders and said, «That’s okay, you will change your mind, you just need time!»
    I told her she would not make my husband’s death about material things, and they will never ever be handed his truck. I still had a business to run. It was so hurtful, and they clearly thought my husband’s death meant a payday for them. I had already told my stepson it wasn’t happening. Equine Creek /Quora
  • Had a birthday party at my house and invited my wife’s family and mine. We have a pool and one of the rules is no running around near the pool. Well, my wife’s oldest brother (49 years old at the time) continued to run and chase his kids into the pool. If there was just a few of us, that wouldn’t be a problem, but we had about 25 people around and in the pool.
    Later he was running and slipped and fell. He fell pretty hard but continued on with the party. About 3 weeks later, he hired a lawyer and sued me for his fall. He waited this long as he knew my cameras only held about 2 weeks of video before they were overwritten. He told me he sustained a major injury, this brother has sued people for multiple car wrecks he has been in.
    Well he won, out of pocket I was not impacted immediately but my homeowner’s insurance paid out around $160k to him. During the same time, my homeowner’s insurance went up by $2000 per year. So here we are 16 years later, and I am still paying for that extra $2000 per year. Pánfilo Guerrero / Quora

Join us as we delve into the real-life experiences of individuals who stumbled upon surprising family secrets. From unexpected revelations to astonishing discoveries, these narratives offer a glimpse into the complexities of family dynamics.

Preview photo credit Equine Creek / Quora


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