8 Royal Fashion Hacks That Are Actually Genius

Royalty and fashion go together like peanut butter and jelly. But even if you’re not a princess, you can still dress like one. There are many tricks of the trade that can help you look more royal than ever before. From how to wear heels without getting fatigued to how to make your clothes fit seamlessly, here are 8 amazing tips for looking majestic without breaking the bank.

1. How to prevent heels from slipping

Kate Middleton has a few fashion hacks up her sleeve that she relies on to keep her looking as polished and put together as always. One of them is wearing stockings with built-in sticky pads to prevent slipping and sliding, especially when wearing heels.

2. How to choose the perfect pair of heels

The ex-Duchess of Sussex, Meghan Markle, is known for rocking heels. And in order to prevent any potential corns or blisters, she often wears 1 to 2 sizes up from her normal shoe size. This hack will give the toes more room and keep the heels properly secure in the shoes.

3. How to keep your hair out of your face

Allstar Picture Library / Mary Evans Picture Library / East News

Kate is known for her exquisite hat collection that makes her look effortlessly stunning. Wearing a hat can also tame down your hair by keeping it out of your face, especially on those windy days.

4. How to fix flyaways

Smart Works / Ferrari Press / East News

We all have those flyaway hairs that we want to get rid of. You can easily fix them with a toothbrush and hair spray as Meghan Markle does. The trick is simple — just spray a little bit of hair spray onto a toothbrush and run it through your hair on the areas that need help.

5. How to keep a hat from budging

Hats are in this season. But keeping those tiny ones in place can seem impossible. This is when Princess Diana’s hack comes to the rescue. Secure the hat with hidden combs and voilà; the headpiece will stay perfectly in place.

6. How to avoid sore feet

GF / bauergriffinonline.com / East News

Kate has a tip for those who want to look taller and more comfortable. If you wear heels frequently, a pair of insoles can come in handy. The spongy material cushions your foot and absorbs pressure at the heel and ball, which is ideal for reducing pain as well as fatigue.

7. How to avoid hair dents

Nieboer / DDP Images / East News

High buns are one of the most elegant and easy ways to style your hair, but they often leave a dent. Megan found the solution: low buns. They will give you the classy look you’re after while being gentle on your hair.

8. How to conceal lines from undergarments

The Duchess of Cambridge is known for her chic, classic style, but she’s also a master of the art of “smoothing out” the appearance of on-camera wrinkles or bumps caused by undergarments. Instead of regular bras, she opts for shapewear and build-in bras.

The difference between the 2 is that shapewear is a body-stocking that uses control panels to shape your body; whereas a sewn-in bra is a permanent bra that is sewn into the dress or blouse so it cannot be seen.

Bonus tip: how to hide your cleavage

If you’re going to an event where photographers and people will be taking pictures, just slip on a clutch over your cleavage before you get out of your car and when you bend down, and it will be covered.

What is your favorite royal fashion trick? What is your secret to taking an outfit from boring to jaw-dropping?


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