9 Tips That Can Help Your Manicure Last Longer

Girls stuff
4 hours ago

Sometimes a manicure stops looking nice sooner than we would like to. In this article, we decided to put together the tricks from nail techs, which will help you prolong the life of the coating on the nails.

Choose the color wisely.

Bright and dark shades look very stylish, but, unfortunately, they are not practical. Chips and cracks are visible on a dark manicure. And outgrown nails immediately catch the eye because of the contrast between the natural color of the fingernails and the bright coating. You won’t be able to boast this manicure for long.

French manicure is much better. Nail techs also recommend choosing pastel or neutral shades.

Wipe your nails with vinegar.

This lifehack surprised us too, but beauty experts recommend using it. White vinegar is a natural cleanser that effectively removes excess grease.

Take a cotton disc and drop some vinegar on it. Wipe your nails and let them dry before applying the coating. After that, you can apply the base and top coat. Experts promise that by cleaning the nail plate this way, the coating will last longer.

Don’t shake the bottle.

This tip will be useful to those who prefer to do manicure themselves. Many people shake the bottle in order to get an even color, without thinking that this can create air bubbles in the nail polish. And when applying the coating, they don’t disappear. In the future, the coating will chip much sooner.

In order to avoid these consequences, nail techs recommend not to shake the bottle, but gently roll it between the palms of your hands.

Give up the long nails.

The length of fingernails also matters. A long manicure, although spectacular, stops looking nice much faster than medium-length nails. Short or medium nails are less prone to peeling and chipping. They are also less likely to break than long nails.

If you want to wear your manicure as long as possible, it’s best to stick to the rule of thumb, “The shorter, the better.”

Use a nail strengthener.

A top coat needs to be cared for, even if you had it done in a salon. Some experts believe that the top coat should be applied every 3 days. This will help to keep the manicure in perfect shape for as long as possible.

If you don’t want to spend time on this, some nail techs recommend doing nail strengthening with acrylic powder before applying the coating. This product strengthens the nail plate and helps to avoid detachment.

Use products of the same brand.

Some experts advise using base, gel nail polish and top coat of the same brand. The fact is that products from one manufacturer are designed to work together. Therefore, the coating will serve you as long as possible. But products from different brands can simply be incompatible with each other.

Dry your hands thoroughly before applying nail polish.

Washing your hands will help remove excess grease and get rid of any lint. But it’s not only important to wash your hands and degrease your nails, it’s also important to dry them well.

Make sure that your nails are dry, and only then proceed to the application of nail polish. The point is that excessive moisture can cause the coating to peel off quickly.

Don’t be afraid to choose a glitter polish.

If you’ve been wanting to try a glitter coating, then it’s worth doing it. Glitter nail polish lasts longer on your nails than an ordinary one. It also has a thicker consistency and spreads on the nails more evenly. And this makes them less brittle. A glitter nail manicure is not only stylish, but also practical.

Give up the hot bath.

Many people like to soak in hot water, but it’s better to give up this habit if you want to wear your manicure for a long time.

The fact is that our nails consist of several layers that can absorb moisture. And, according to experts, taking a long hot bath expands the nail plate. And when the nails dry, they shrink again. The expansion and sudden contraction can cause the nail polish to chip.

And here are manicure designs that stood the test of time and made a huge comeback.

Preview photo credit Roman Titov / Pexels


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